Late Night Swinging

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Peter felt a raindrop hit his head. He looked up at the sky just now realizing how late it was and the darkening clouds around him. In his Spider-man suit, Peter was casually perched on top of a billboard.

Mr. Stark would kill me if he knew where I was right now.

Tony had just told him a few days ago that if he was dangling above anything higher than 1000 feet, he'd take his suit away for a week. A whole week!

"Peter, it is now 12:00. I advise that you head back to your apartment soon." Karen's monotone voice said. "Oh crap! That's 2 hours past curfew! Thanks Karen, I'm going back now." Peter stood up and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before jumping off the bill board. He shot a web at the nearest building and started swinging back to his apartment. "Did you remember to take your meds Peter?" Karen sounded concerned. Peter sighed. "No. I keep forgetting." Peter blushed with embarrassment. Karen wasn't convinced though.

"Even with my reminders?"Uh oh. The truth was, the meds made him feel absolutely disgusting. He's Spider-Man! He shouldn't need to take pills just to feel 'okay'. Also, if he doesn't take them, he doesn't run out of them. If he doesn't run out of them, May won't have to waste all of her hard earned money on refilling them.

Peter's had a rough past,well, years  actually. He was diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety earlier this year. And every morning it was getting harder and harder to roll himself out of bed.. But he knew that he couldn't tell anyone about his struggles. It would only make him sound weaker than he already is.

The only people that know about his depression/anxiety are May (she's the one who made him go to the doctor), Ned (his best friend), and Karen (pretty much his therapist now). He had hacked Karen a few months back so if he told her to not tell Tony something, she wouldn't. And now she even reminds him to take his meds.

"Peter, that could possibly damage your health. Tony Stark would not be happy if I didn't notify-"

"No! I mean uh- no need for that Karen! I've got this all under control. Thanks though." Peter cut her the AI off.

The rest of the trip back was silent other than the heavy rain hitting the streets. Peter swung onto the ledge near his window and slipped inside. It was 12:36. Summer break just started, so now he has basically no where else to go during the day since schools out. No reason to wake up, either. Peter tried to ignore his thoughts and changed out of his suit and into his PJ's. He didn't want to wake up May by turning on the shower, so he decided to skip it tonight. Same as last night.

Peter yawned. He was exhausted. He'd been patrolling all night. Juggling two lives at once is starting to get to him. Stressed, but trying his best. 'I'll never be enough' he thought before laying down in his bed. Might as well try to get some sleep. He plugged his earbuds in, put on some music, and tried to rest.




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