Morning May

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Peter woke up feeling...still exhausted. At least he got some sleep. He slowly sat up and stretched out his arms.
Not wanting to get up yet, Peter picked up his phone and clicked on the messages icon.




So you can like catch yourself in the webs right like if you were to fall

Uhhh yeah-

So you could hypothetically do a successful backflip off of the Empire State Building


Peter smiled to himself, Ned giving him a will to start the day. And something fun to do later. He was starting to hear May get up anyway, so he should at least go tell her good morning.
He walked out of his room and saw May making a bowl of cereal. She looked up at him with tired eyes, but smiled. "Morning Sunshine. You sleep well?"
Peter tried his best to plaster the same smile on his face. Peter loves his aunt more than anything, but he still can't bring himself to feel completely...comfortable around her after the 'incident'. "Good morning. Yeah I slept okay." Peter leaned on the kitchen wall.
"Want some cereal? Toast?" May offered while taking a bite of her own cereal. "No, I'm good thank you though." She gave him a concerned yet stern look. "You didn't eat dinner last night either. You're not doing that thing where you don't eat for days again, are you?" Uh oh.
"! That's ridiculous of course not." Agh! What do what do I tell her she's not gonna believe me she's gonna hate me if I don't eat but I'm gonna hate me if I eat...
If there is a top way to make the kid anxious, mentioning his eating habits was probably be it. Knowing this, May let it slide and just sighed with a shake of her head. You could tell she was unconvinced though.
"I have a date tonight." May pressed her lips together and waited for a reaction. Last time she saw someone was right when her drinking started going from bad to worse. And when she found out he cheated on her, she lost her absolute shit. But that was months ago. She was sure Peter was over it already. He did say he forgave her.
There was a long awkward pause. "Oh. Umm a-alright. Nice. Who's it with?" Peter was unsure about this. He didn't want his aunt getting hurt again. And she's been sober for so long! Some guy can't just walk into their lives, fuck everything up, and leave! Not again.
"He's this really sweet guy named Dave. I met him at the coffee shop last week. I was going to tell you, but I wanted to make sure that this was real."
Peter was zoned out with an unreadable expression. He gave a quick nod and started picking at his nails.
"Honey, I think he'll do us good. I've told him all about you and he's really excited about meeting you!"
That response snapped him out of it.
"I have to meet him?"
May looked sort of suprised.
"Well of course your going to meet him silly! I figured he could stop here for a bit before we left and-"
Peter cut her off. "Where are you guys going?"
Please don't be a bar please don't be a bar.
"Oh just a restaurant down town. Why do you ask?"She got up and moved towards Peter, already knowing the answer just by looking at him.
"Look, you don't need to worry about me. I've been doing great and Dave's not a heavy drinker." May grabbed her boys hand comfortingly. "I promise that I won't take even a sip of alcohol tonight, and you can hold me to that." May smiled genuinely, and Peter couldn't help but mirror it. He trusted her. She wouldn't lie to him.
May finished up her cereal and Peter went back to his room to get dressed. At least she's feeling better, he thought to himself.
Ever since Ben died, May was a hardcore alcoholic. She spent every night drinking too much and practically every morning hungover. Peter learned to live with it. I mean, they both had their own way of coping. Even if a lot of them were unhealthy. Mays was alcohol, and Peter's was jabbing a razor into his arm. And to say the least, May wasn't happy when she heard about Peter. At first she had sympathy for her child. She asked him how he was doing everyday, got him depression meds, and even promised him that if he stopped cutting, she'd stop drinking. So he did. It took a lot of strength but he managed to put an end to his bad habits for Aunt May. And he did truly believe she'd do the same.

Peter walked into the apartment to see his aunt drinking a half-empty bottle of wine. Empty shot glasses and broken beer bottles littered the room. Peter was shocked and disappointed of course. But he couldn't stop the feeling of betrayal coursing through him. His Aunt May was sobbing on the sofa, refilling her glass.
"Aunt May...?" Peter croaked out.
"Oh hi Peter! I'm so glad your back! It's been a little  lonely here by myself." May continued crying as she spoke, as an uncomfortable silence formed between them. Until she broke out into a hysterical laughter.
"Well don't seem so happy to see me Peter! Hey, why are you looking at me like that? What?Can't a woman have a drink around here without being judged every two seconds?" Peter turned away shaking his head and went to get a water from the fridge. "IM TALKING TO YOU YOUNG MAN!! DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON ME." She slurred her words as she yelled. With wobbly legs, May stood up and made her way to Peter. And then started crying again. "Why don't you talk to me? I never hear from you anymore.Why can't we just be close again? Please, talk to me?" Peter starred at the floor.
"You lied." His voice cracked.
"About what?"
No way. Did she forget about their deal? Her promise?
"About THIS." He motioned to the empty bottles scattered. "You said that you'd stop drinking! I thought we were in this together!" May realized why he was so upset. But she didn't feel a single twinge of guilt.
"Are you kidding me? Don't make this about you! You can't just walk in here and play victim Peter, that's not how the real world works! I work all day, find out my boyfriend is CHEATING on me, and when I come home and try to relax, YOU start being a buzzkill! So how bout you give it a rest, you child."
Peter knew the only reason she was acting like this was because she's drunk, but her words hurt. "Whatever." He mumbled under his breath, blinking away tears. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TALKING BACK KID?!" May picked up the half full bottle of wine and smashed it against him. Peter couldn't believe it. He ignored his spidey senses going off, but they weren't lying. A pain shot up his back as May covered her mouth with her hands. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry Peter please forgive me I- I can fix it I swear oh my god I'm sorry." Her whispering carried on as Peter tried to look at where he was struck. His mind felt fuzzy. He stumbled into the bathroom to clean up his wound. The quick-healing was already kicking in. Peter looked in the mirror in disgust of himself. Blood was everywhere from his side and down his back. 'Well, this shirts ruined' he thought to himself. There wasn't any glass stuck in his skin, so it was surprisingly easy for Peter to clean up. He's been hit worse, and had to fix up worse. But it still hurt. The fact that it came from May made the pain 10 times worse. He knew he'd always love and care for her. But he also knew he would never forget this.
~Flashback ended~

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