(2) Am i worthy of this..

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"Wait fuck," i look between Max and Elijah, "the elijah?" I was shocked.

"In the flesh," he says smiling brightly opening his arms. My body moved on its own, going into Elijah's warm embrace.

When I used to live with my dad Elijah was a family friend. His mom and my mom were best friends. Which naturally made Me, Max, and Elijah close. Us three did everything together. Correction, me and Elijah did everything together. Back then Max was obsessed with this girl Sofia and would ditch us for her. Not that we minded.

Being in Elijah's arms was warm and comforting. I almost didn't want to let go. Once I pulled back I didn't even know what to say.

"wow Elijah I couldn't even recognize you, you changed a lot" I say looking at him.

It's true. Firstly he used to have braces that made his cheeks look bigger and light brown hair. Not to mention he wasnt this fucking sexy. He was cute in a nerd way. Definityly not a fuck me right now kind of way.

"I don't seem to be the only one that changed," He says, looking me up and down, causing me to flare up.

Someone making what sounded like a cat throwing up reminded me that my brother was still here. "Are you guys done eye fucking and can we go now?" he says rolling his eyes getting into the car.

I catch my breath looking back to elijah.

"I feel like a jerk for not recognizing you," I confessed to him.

"Well I'm not gonna say you're not one but isn't that a good thing?" he pauses " I'm not the same guy I was back then" he says shrugging.

"Yeah, I can see that," I say.

"And you definitely aren't the same," he winked.

I roll my eyes.

I caught a glance of something in his face before he covered it up, "Well i missed you lily."

"I missed you too," I say truthfully.


"Why the fuck didnt you tell me elijah went to this school," i yell at my brother whos laying on his bed.

"I knew just as much as you knew," he says.

"You could've texted me or something,'' I huff laying next to him.

"Okay well im sorry i didnt tell you about how your old summer fling-" i hit his stomach, "fuck that hurt whyd you do that."

"Because first off you deserve it and second off, he's not my summer fling" I said.

"Well fuck buddy, what ever you call it, im sorry i didnt tell you in 0.5 seconds that i found out." he finishes before shoving my off the bed.

"Now get out." he says, pushing me out of his room and shutting his door.

I walk into the bathroom to take a shower. But the only thing I was thinking about was Elijah.

After 30 minutes I finished my shower and put a towel on before walking to my closet. On my way there I noticed a figure on my bed.  Pretending not to notice, I walk into the closet and grab my baseball bat.

I rush out with it in my hand ready to swing before someone grabs me making the baseball bat fall from my hand.

Are you shitting me?

"What kind of idiot goes to attack someone wearing only a towel," the person said. Immediately figuring out the voice belonged to Elijah I let out a breath.

"Elijah what the fuck are you doing in here," i stammed.

"What do you think i'm doing here," he says nestling his head in the crook of my neck.

This is dangerous.

"Elijah, we just saw each other after 2 years, are you serious," I said. It's true. We literally just saw each other less than 2 hours ago for the first time in 2 years.

"But I wanna finish what we started," he mumbled against my neck, kissing it.

Okay maybe i left a small part out about how i visited my dad for a summer because of this summer scholarship in new york i signed up for. And maybe I saw Elijah. And maybe me and Elijah hooked up a couple times. And maybe he was my first.

And maybe I was his.

Only Maybe of course.

Back then we were just two horny 16 year olds.

When I feel his hand let go of my towel I grab it before it can fall. "Elijah seriously we can't do this."

"Why not," he says amused. He walks to my bed and sits down.

"Because it's all too soon,'' I started walking into my closet.

After getting changed I step out and walk to my desk to do my homework.

"So you're saying all I have to do is wait some more until I can have you." he says. For some reason his statement excites my little friend down below that's gonna get her ass punched.

I know baby you're deprived, let's stay strong.

"I don't know,'' I simply state asking like this conversation isn't affecting me. "Well i do." he says. I hear footsteps move from the bed over to me. He turns my chair to face him.

"You can't sit here and say that, that summer didn't mean anything to you," he says. I look down.


My eyes come face to face with a huge bulge in his pants.

Holy fuck.

Acting like I didn't just see that I responded, "I didn't say all that, it's just all too soon."

He takes my chin in his hand and lifts my face. His hand slowly slides down to my neck and he places his hand there. And shit they fit there perfectly. Looking into his eyes I see pure lust and a mix of something else.

"I've been waiting 2 years," he says, "I think it's enough waiting."

Unable to speak, I just stared into his beautiful green eyes.


I see a smirk play on his face while my face becomes crimson red.

I'm going to beat this bitch up, I thought.

Moving his hand, Elijah just grabs his stuff and walks to the door. He looks at me and mouths 'Soon enough' before winking and walking out shutting the door. I let out the breath I was holding in and continued my work.

Once I finished Grayson called me telling me about a party happening Saturday and talking about our plans on meeting up. He said he'd get ready with Ryan but Alex was going to be coming over. After we figured it out I turned off my lights and went to sleep.

"Elijah we shouldn't be doing this," my 16 year old self giggled against his lips.

"You should have said that the first time I had you screaming my name," he says smirking. I gasp, "Elijah," I say playfully and hit him.

"But your right," he says placing a kiss on my forehead, "it's getting late"

I nod my head agreeing. He grabs me so that I'm in his arms in a bear hug. I smile and play with his hair. I kiss his cheek before laying down falling asleep. Last thing remember was Elijah snuggling closer until there was no air left between us.


SOrry for short chapter i hope it doesnt seem rushed. becuase its not. trust the process. elijah pov next (gonna be short also.)

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