Chapter 8 Gym Class

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Your POV

*The time of day was the afternoon and you were still at school

*It was the middle of Lunch break and you, Chara, Frisk and Betty just left the Cafeteria after having your lunch.You four walked in the crowded halls and once again you were greeted by Monster Students passing by then you entered the Library

*You all searched for somewhere to sit but there were a few free seats but not enough for all four of you to sit together.Betty offers to hangout in the Gymnasium and you didn't mind it but Chara doesn't seem to like that idea


*You four walked and made it to the Gymnasium and see only humans here but the bleachers had so many places you four could relax.You ask Chara to choose so she could feel comfortable as possible and she chose the seats all the way at the top on the corner side

You ask Chara to choose so she could feel comfortable as possible and she chose the seats all the way at the top on the corner side

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*You four head towards the top seats but you feel like you were being stared at while you four walked up the steps to get settled down at the corner Chara chose

*Chara sat where she can lean against the wall and Frisk sat on left right while you sat next to Frisk's left and Betty joined you on your left

"You always pick this spot"Frisk complains
"That's nice to hear Frisk"Chara said in a caring tone

*You hear the sound of a game buzzer and it startled you when it was the first time you've ever heard it, personally

"It's just the game buzzer"Betty smiles
"I just never heard it that loud before"you blushed while they didn't react to it

"You don't have sport ball in the Underground?"Frisk smiles
"No, and I know it's just sports"you said knowing Frisk was teasing you

*Frisk giggles a little
"What do you for fun or to spend your day?"Chara asks
"I just spend it mostly with my friends and family"You replied
"That can't be all"Chara said in a disbelief tone


*You feel Betty lay her head on your left shoulder and you look at her staring somewhere across the gym

"Betty?"you said sounding curious
"Don't pay attention to me"Betty said in a relax tone

Betty's POV

*I glared at the boys who hasn't stopped staring at (Y/N) and even though I don't know what's their plan, I'm definitely going to kick their ass if they make him feel uncomfortable

"Are you tired?"(Y/N) asks me
"Yeah"I said sounding a bit sleepy

(Tired of these stares)

*I hear (Y/N) talk with Frisk and Chara some more and I could join them but I just want to keep an eye any trouble that could ruin (Y/N)'s mood


Ebott High School-Female Frisk,Chara,Betty X MaleReader Where stories live. Discover now