Chapter 39 Relationship: Updated

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Chara's POV

*I woke up feeling a massive headache while slowly working myself up to get out of bed. I look around and instantly remember last nights drama then quickly remembered what I'm planning to do today. I looked at my phone to see over a hundred of texts from Frisk and wondered if I should've replied last night if I knew she would worry this much

*I decided to not waste anymore time and just get on with this day as I got out of bed to walk out of the shed. The next moment. Frisk just walks out of the house and she notices me right away. I froze up feeling uneasy on how I should even speak to her when this wasn't something I prepared for. Frisk took the initiative to quickly run towards me and slam into me for a strong hug

"Please don't run away!"Frisk cried out

"Hold on a second"I said with a grunting tone

"I'm sorry for hurting you"Frisk said sadly
"Can you give me some space?"I asked calmly
"No!"Frisk whines
"I want to talk to you"I said sounding annoyed

"You do?"Frisk said while she looks at me
"Yes now stop hugging me so tight!"I said strongly complaining

*Frisk lets me go but she holds my hand while she looks at me with a worried and sad look

"(Sigh) I'm not going anywhere"I said
"I know"Frisk said while she squeezed my wrist
"Let's talk in the shed"I said when I didn't want to make a commotion with anyone nearby

"..Are you going to yell?"Frisk said sounding worried
"No. I already did that to (Y/N)"I said when I walked towards the shed
"He found you?"Frisk said sounding surprised
"I'll explain later"I said

*Frisk and I entered inside the shed and she looks around

"Alright. Now. You can stop holding my hand"I said

*Frisk lets go of my hand then she quickly stood in front of the door. Obviously showing concern about me running away again

"First, why couldn't you just tell me from the start?"I asked in a calm tone

"I was afraid you'll be angry with me for dating (Y/N) when he also dating Betty. But it still ended up that way"Frisk said sounding almost scared

"You didn't think I would support it?"I said sounding sincere
"Would you?"Frisk asks as she strongly stares at me

"We can't know that because you never asked me"I said while slightly shaking my head
"..I'm sorry for hiding it"Frisk said sounding ashamed

*Frisk looks at me with the same scared and worry look but I couldn't just forgive her so easily when I feel betrayed

"Frisk just what were you thinking doing all of this..Are you happy with your decision?"I asked strongly
"..I am happy. I know I get flirty with everyone but I want (Y/N)..."Frisk said and she oddly stops talking

*Frisk's worried expression left in an instant and she shows me a familiar determined look she always have when she wants something she won't easily give up on but then her expression turned into sadness

"Do you want me to break up with (Y/N)?"Frisk said in a sad tone
"I'm not asking you to. Are you even serious about him if you're asking me that?"I asked sounding shocked

"I'm asking you because I don't want my sister to hate me"Frisk said sadly while she starts tearing up
"I don't hate you I'm upset with you"I said

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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Ebott High School-Female Frisk,Chara,Betty X MaleReader Where stories live. Discover now