Chapter 10 Hanging Out at The Mall

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<A/N: Sorry.It's a 3,000 word Chapter. Can't separate this one if I have to>

Your POV

*Several days passed and it was finally the weekend where you can do anything you want. Yesterday you,Frisk,Chara and Betty agreed to go to the mall today and right now

*You just finish getting dressed and you texted Frisk and Chara that you'll pick them up.You told Asriel,who was in the living room, that you'll be leaving soon while you left your room

"Do you need someone to watch out for you?"Asriel asks sounding worried

"I can take care of myself"you said monotone when you're not in some kind of danger

"Don't cause trouble"Asriel said somewhat sternly
*Your phone vibrates and it was a text from Frisk saying to come by in 10 minutes

"(Y/N)?"Asriel calls out when you didn't respond
"Love you too bro"you said in a positive tone

"I didn't say that"Asriel said monotone

"But I love you too.Have fun"Asriel said sounding a bit happy

*You left your dorm room then you left the Monster Dormitory,to head to your car, then got into said car and started to drive to Frisk's and Chara's Apartment


*You drove up to the apartment while Frisk and Chara were just walking to you while you texted them you were coming soon.Frisk and Chara entered your car and sat at backseats

"Hey (Y/N)~"Frisk greeted in a cheery tone
"Hey"you calmly greeted

"Thanks for driving.Even though we're hanging out for you to know the good places around the mall"Chara said to you

"I'm ok with it.It's better than going there on my own"you replied with a little smile

*You slowly start to drive out of the parking lot and onto the road where you're heading straight to the mall while Betty told you she'll take a cab to get there on the agreed time

*On the drive to the mall Frisk wanted to know what you like and you replied honestly.You ask Frisk and Chara the same thing and you've gotten to know a lot more than before

<A/N: I won't say what they like because I prefer to tell it in story form>

*After minutes of driving.You made it to the mall,found a decent parking spot then you, Frisk and Chara walk to the front entrance of the mall and soon met up with Betty who was dress in a cute pink and purple style outfit

"Hi guys"Betty greeted

"Did you get here early?"you asked curiously
"Actually I just been here for a few minutes"Betty replied with a smile

*Betty grabs your hand and you look at her with a surprised expression

"I know a place to start with that I know you'll like"Betty said looking excited

*Betty pulls you along for a moment so you can walk with her then Frisk and Chara joins you two while they walk along your left and Betty was on your right

"We planned for a reason"Frisk said sounding a bit grumpy
"It's a new sweet shop that open up.Plus I bet you guys didn't eat yet"Betty said to Frisk

"Did you ask (Y/N)"Frisk asks
*Betty stares at you
"I think we can go to the other shops first then we can relax wherever you're so excited about"you said to Betty

Ebott High School-Female Frisk,Chara,Betty X MaleReader Where stories live. Discover now