5 - the egg

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note: oh my XD thank you for 800+ reads O_O and thank you for dsmpisawesome for the idea (some of the parts of the idea would change and i forgot the people who where in the eggpire so sorry about that TwT)

||no ones pov|| and ||with the eggpire|| (they still dont know that tommy is a god and he summoned mumza and tubbo announced that tommy isnt exiled anymore)

"maybe we can get tommy on our side" antfrost said with a smirking "thats a good idea.." bad said looking at the egg seeing if the egg will allow them "sure" the egg responded in a demonic voice (idk lol ;w;) the two was thinking of a plan to them he was easy to get and he would let his guard down but not knowing he could escape easy

"what if we just ask him to meet the egg again?" ant said "sure i mean it worked the first time but to think the egg couldnt get him at first, we might need a plan B" bad said knowing the plan might fail "hmmm... then we kidnap him when hes asleep" ant smirked "but we dont know where hes going to stay plus his kids might wake up" bad said

"this might be a hard job to do.." bad said "mhm.." ant said "well we need to try today, there is tomorrow but he would be helping sam build the prison again which makes things even more difficult" bad said

"lets just try the plan A first i mean he doesnt know much about the egg controlling people so  think it will work out" ant said worried that it might fail "alright then" bad said walking away to find tommy "lets go" ant trailed behind, they found tommy rather easy "it might be our lucky day, we found tommy rather easy" ant thought, they walked up to tommy who's looking at the changes that happened 

"hey tommy!" bad smiled "hello b1 tch" tommy smiled waiting for bad to say... "LANGUAGE!" bad yelled making tommy laugh "sooo.. what do ya need?" tommy asked "can you help us with the egg for a while??" ant asked "hmmm... sure! i mean i have nothing to do anyways" tommy said "follow us" bad smiled walking to the egg with tommy and ant following

||when they got to the egg||

"so what do you need help with??" tommy asked "can you go close to the egg for a while??" bad responded "sure" tommy went close to the egg, bad thought being beside the egg wont be enough so he took of some shells (or whatever its called) of the egg so tommy can enter in, the egg picked up tommy and shoved him into the core of the egg (lmao this sounds weird TwT) "WHAT THE H3LL?!?!" tommy yelled and looked on the cracked but bad and ant patched it up before tommy could even run out then he heard the egg saying:

be one of us.. (ONE OF US ONE OF US, sorry lol TwT)

join us..

and some other stuff, he got annoyed then broke the part of the egg they patched up, bad and ant saw and they now knew he was immune and they got pissed the attacked tommy, ofc tommy fought back but tommy got stabbed but he was a god so he teleported himself out but ended up teleporting to ghostbur, mexican dream, friend and glatt meanwhile bad and ant didnt know where he went so they had the idea to announce him dead

bad and ant saw the business bay and thought it was a good idea to tell them first, bad told them but they didn't believe the bay thought bad and ant kidnapped him so the bay attacked bad "where the f__k is he..." deo gave a death glare to the two (idk how to spell it lol) "hes dead!" ant yelled nevious "why tf you lyin" luke memed "stfu luke we need to kill him" bitzel said "WHERE. IS. HE." (over protective platonic bf mode on lol) deo said "FINE I KILLED HIM AND I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE HE IS NOW" bad said getting his head chopped off after, bad respawned and retreated with ant

||meanwhile with tommy||

"UNO!!" tommy yelled out "GO FISH" glatt yelled "glatt we are playing uno-" ghostbur said "i dont give a f--k" glatt responded "thats rude amigo" mexican dream placed a draw 4, ghostbur placed a draw 2, tommy placed a draw 4 which was his last card "YESSSSS I WON!!!" tommy yelled "WTF THIS CHILD'S LUCK I SWEAR!-" glatt yelled "relax" ghostbur said "toms you should go back the others might be worried" ghostbur said "ill go back in a week, i wanna spend more time with you guys" tommy mumbled enough for them to hear "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW TOMMYYY" ghostbur hugs him "my heart-" mexican dream wipes a tear "ya all too emotional" glatt said holding back happy tears "dont act like you dont care" ghostbur looked at glatt "now come here and hug" ghostbur said while hugging tommy  "fine" glatt mumbled while walking up to tommy and hugging him, mumza teleported to tommy "hello tommy" mumza smiled

"hi mumza!!" tommy said "why are you here??" mumza asked "idk i just got teleported here" tommy said "and he said he will stay here for the week" ghostbur smiled "oh alright" mumza smiled again "i would be staying here also" mumza said "ok!" tommy smiled

||after a week of wholesomeness (cuz idk what they would do on the past week)||

"bye bye" tommy hugged ghostbur "i will miss you child" glatt hugged tommy "i will miss ya" mexican dream cried "lets go now, dont you guys worry i'll teleport you guys to the overworld soon" mumza smiled "ok" the ghosts said "bye, for now!" tommy and mumza teleported away

||in the village base (in the castle)||

"HELLO IM BACK!!" tommy yelled "PAPA!!" shroud and clementine ran to tommy and hugged him "mumza i forgot to ask, where is the bay?" tommy said "oh they where planning to find you, i must've forgot to tell them you where alright, they might be at your planning room" mumza said "oh ok, clementine and shroud go play with mumza for a while" tommy smiled then ran off to find the bay with the sleepy bois.

deo saw tommy "TOMMY!" he ran to tommy and hugged him, the others looked at them surprised "hi deo" tommy smiled, techno removed deo from tommy (big brother techno lol) and hugged him "WHERE THE F___K WERE YOU?!" techno said "sorry, i got teleported to ghostbur" tommy said then realized "I just realized, my brothers cares about me" tommy wipes a fake tear "NO WE DONT-" the 2 protective brothers yelled but got cut off my dadza "l i e s ." philza responded "you guys where going to commit mass murder if you didnt get him back" philza said  laughing after he finished the sentence

"i wonder how dream is doing.." tommy said worried "oh.. dream was going to destroy everything if he doesnt get you back" philza smiled "oh what the f--k" tommy said "its ok lets just celebrate that we got you back" wilbur smiled "ok!" tommy said in a happy tone


words: 1243

ps: sorry if i didnt get to do this sooner i was busy with assignments and school work but i hope ya'll liked this one :)

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