Chapter 1

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A/N: So here it is. The full complete first chapter of this crossover idea. Now then, throughout the story, I'll show a flashback to a certain time that will explain what happened to Percy through his time in exile. But these flashbacks will be short and will explain a few things. Especially who is behind the four-man teams that each Pantheon will have. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy and tell me what you think will happen/what you think down below. 


"What do you want Grace?" Annabeth asked, not looking at him. "I'm a little busy right now, so if you want to say something, then get it over with."

"How about the two of us go out sometime?" Jason asked her.

Annabeth scoffed and said, "Now why would I want to do that? We haven't spoken in over five years ever since you slept with Drew. Not to mention getting her pregnant. Besides, where were you when I was kidnapped by the Mayans and then had a monster sealed inside myself? So no, I would not want to date you. I would rather go out with the man who saved me: The Black Flash."

With those last words, Annabeth walked off to the pavilion where she had her dinner before going to the arena to practice the abilities that she had gained from being the Jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tailed Fox.

In a forest in Europe

A 37-year-old man wearing a Jounin vest, two bands on both of his sleeves, a blue forehead protector, and blue sandals was watching three kids train when a bird flew towards him having a scroll tied to its leg. The man took the scroll and opened it up, his eyes scanning the contents of the scroll.

"Alright," the man said to the kids. "It seems like we've got a new mission."

"What kind is it Percy?" a kid with blond hair and blue eyes asked the man. "Is it a D-Rank again? Cause I don't think we can take one of those again."

"Don't worry Luke," the man, now known as Percy, replied with a smile. Percy opened up the scroll. "It's an escort mission. A-Rank."

"Who are we escorting?" one of the kids, a girl with black hair and piercing blue eyes, asked.

"Well Celine," Percy began, before looking at his only female student. "It seems that we are escorting the Hunters of Artemis and Artemis herself to a meeting with Skadi the Norse goddess of Hunting."

"When do we leave?" his last student asked, a smile on his face, he has sandy blond hair and dark blue eyes that shined with glee now that they had a mission.

Percy smiles, "We leave now, Charlus. Get your things gathered and then we will leave."

Luke, Celine, and Charlus all gathered their things before they sealed them in some scrolls and the four of them then vanished into a black flash and reappeared in a cabin in Alaska.

"Let's get going," Percy said before the four of them started running towards Washington state.

A few hours later, the group of four arrived at the hunter's encampment and Percy told them, "Luke, Charlus. You two go check the perimeter. We don't want any surprises on this mission. If you need me, you know what to do. Celine, you will join me. We have a better chance with the hunters if you are with me."

"Yes sensei!" the three teens shouted.

Percy gave a small smile before a cold mask settled over his face.

"Let's go," he said as he began walking towards the camp with Celine tailing him.

As Percy and Celine entered the encampment, A hunter stopped them.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

"Tell Artemis that the Mávro flas tou Olýmpou* is here," Percy told her. "We will wait here."

Not ten minutes later, Artemis was walking towards the Jounin sensei and one of his genin students. All the while one thought went through her mind, 'Why would she send one of her squads? I can get to my old friend just fine without any help!'

What didn't cross her mind, however, was that the Mayans were looking for people to become Jinchuuriki. As well as people to become their slaves. Especially women.

"Lady Artemis," Percy stated, nodding towards her. "It's been a while."

"Y-You're the-"

"The Black Flash?" Percy asked rhetorically as Celine gave off a giggle. "Yes, I am."

"Why are you here?" Artemis asked once she came back to reality. "I can get to my old friend on my own."

Percy just looked at her with a deadpan expression.

"Jinchuuriki," was all he said.

"Hey sensei?"

Percy looked behind him and saw Charlus.

"We're in the clear," Charlus told him. "Is it time to move out?"

Percy nodded and turned back to Artemis.

"You know what Chakra is, and I'm betting that none of your Hunters know how to use it, right?" the son of Poseidon questioned.

Artemis sighed irritably.

"You're right," she told him. "But they can handle just about anything."

"We'll see," was all Percy said before he looked at his students. "We will be camping here for the night. Tomorrow, we'll be taking the Hunters to Skadi's location. Get some rest. I doubt that this mission will be easy."

"Yes sensei," the three Genin stated before they left his side and went ahead to set their camp up. Percy sighed as he watched them, the memory of the day he went into self-exile flashing through his mind's eye.


A 17-year-old Percy Jackson is seen with a bag on his bed with some clothes and other objects to the side of the bag. As he was putting the clothes and other things into the bag, Percy heard someone step inside his cabin at Camp Half-Blood.

"What do you want?" the son of Poseidon asked.

"Why leave Perce?"

Percy stopped packing his things.

"You know why Grover," Percy told his best friend without looking up. "I don't deserve to be the leader of the camp. Not after what happened."

Percy went back to packing his bag and when he finished, he zipped it up and walked to the front door.

"I have to leave Grover," Percy told him. "It's the only way."

Grover looked at him confused.

"What do you mean Perce?" he asked, both confused and worried. "What's going on?"

"You already know this, but Piper died during the war," Percy told him. "But it wasn't against the Giants. It happened in the evilest of places. It happened in Tartarus. I had to go through there alone. Without the woman I loved. And now I just don't worthy of being the leader. So I'm going into exile. I'll return when I feel worthy. This is goodbye, Grover."

Percy walked around his friend and out of his cabin. His green eyes were a hard, cold emerald green. Several of his friends tried to stop him but he ignored them and continued walking to Half-Blood Hill. Upon reaching the hill, he saw Chiron, the centaur who taught him all he knew.

"You here to try and stop me from leaving, Chiron?" Percy asked his teacher. Chiron shook his head.

"Quite the contrary, Percy," Chiron began as he pulled out a scroll and handed it to Percy. "I'm here to help you find purpose. Open this scroll when you are in absolute danger. You will be transported to a place where you will find purpose and perhaps, even find love."

Chiron turned around.

"I shall see you soon, Percy Jackson," the centaur stated before he trotted down the hill and towards the Big House leaving the son of Poseidon standing on the hill with the scroll in his hand.

Flashback end

Shaking himself from his revelry, Percy looked around and walked to the edge of the Hunter's camp before setting up his own campsite.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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