{Chapter one}

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Dear Gilbert,
I've missed you so much over these first three months but I'm going home to avonlea for thanks giving week! In other news Ruby has found a suitor and she's getting married in the summer, and Diana is going to become a florist! I'm working on writing but I still want to be a school teacher. I hope you are doing well and I love you.

Graciously, Your Anne with an E

Dear Anne,
I can proudly say I've missed you more! I will be in Avonlea for thanks giving week also and I cannot wait to see you! I'm very happy for Ruby as well as her suitor I'm sure they'll be perfect together! And I'm glad Diana has found her passion I always imagined something to do with nature would end up being her passion! And I'm very happy for you figuring out you want to write and teach! I hope your in good health and I love you!

Sincerely your Gilbert Blythe

Thanksgiving week

Oh Marilla I'm so happy to be back at Green Gables! Well we're happy to have you Anne. I'm also excited to go see Gilbert! I've missed him ever so much and seeing him again well it'll be, it'll be SPLENDOROUS it'll be as if we were never apart! He's so magnificently breathtakingly wonderfully! Oh calm yourself Anne! I can't have your help cooking if your swooning over a boy! "Marilla said" Sorry Marilla! *Laughs*
The next day

Morning Marilla! I'm off to see Gilbert! Now young lady sit down and eat first for heaven's sake I don't want you to starve! "Marilla said" Sorry Marilla of course I'll eat first! "I sat down and ate 2 eggs a piece of bread and some cheese" Now I must go Marilla! Goodbye Anne! Bye Marilla!

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