{Chapter two}

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"Anne ran to the lake of shinning waters to meet Gilbert" H-Hi! "Anne stuttered" Hello Anne, my beloved! "Gilbert replied" Would it be alright if I kissed you? Of course! "Gilbert pulled Anne into a breathtakingly gloriously perfect kiss" *Anne giggles* I love you Gilbert! I love you too my Anne with an E! "They climb into the boat and row out to the middle of the pond" So Anne do you like crab meat? I've never had any. "Anne replied" "Gilbert opens the picnic basket and opens a container full of cold steamed crab meat" Go ahead and try some Anne! O-ok! "Anne tried a piece" This is the most amazing wonderful tasteful meat I've ever had! *Gilbert laughs* I knew you'd like it, anyway I have some rice and Trinidadian bush medicine! Oooooooooooooo it sounds delicious! "They ate their meal then rowwed to the dock to get off the boat" Why don't I take you to see bash and everyone! Ok!

At bashes house
"Knock knock" Oh hey Gilbert, I see you brought Anne! Yep! Hi Bash! "Anne squealed as they walked inside" Ooooooooooo I love what you've done with the place! Thank you very much Anne! "Mrs LaCroix said" Oh uh hi you must be Anne, Im Elijah. There's no need to be nervous I know the whole story but I'm not holding a grudge since you made amends in the end! "Anne says" Oh ok! Come see Delphine! "Mrs LaCroix said" Oh she's getting bigger! "Anne said" So can she speak yet? Or walk? She only crawls and babbles. "Elijah said" Oh wow she's probably close to talking though! Anne would you mind helping me cook? "Mrs Lacroix said" Not at all. "Anne replied" "We cooked supper and ate then I headed home to Green Gables"

"At Green Gables"
Anne Shirley Cuthbert! Where were you?! "Marilla yelled" Oh I'm sorry Marilla I forgot to let you know I was eating at Gilbert and Bashes place! "Anne said" It's perfectly fine now but next time you must let me know. I will Marilla anyways I'm heading up to bed.

              "Thanksgiving Day"
Oh Marilla I'm so happy it's Thanksgiving! "Anne squealed" Calm yourself and help me with the food please Anne. "Marilla said" Sorry! "Anne laughs" Anne! Anne! "A familiar voice screamed from outside" Diana? "Anne said confused" Oh Anne you must hurry it's aunt Josephine we don't know what's wrong with her! W-What?! "Diana and Anne run to Diana's house" Anne! "Cole screams crying and giving her a hug" Cole! What happened? She's having trouble breathing.....Get Minnie May out of here please. "Mrs Barry says"
Hmm"Anne says trying to figure out the problem" "Anne stops as Josephine grabs her wrist and says 'Take care of Diana for me never let her give up' "Anne quietly walks out of the room and into the room where everyone else is" She's gone..... What?! "Mr and Mrs Barry yelled" "Anne stands there crying not moving" Anne? "Diana said" Oh s-sorry! "Anne said" I'm sorry for y'all's loss I need to go I can't be here! "Anne said starting to bawled"

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