Chapter 8

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Bucky watched as Peter laughed at something Harley had said. The group of students from midtown took up the largest table in the restaurant. Sam and Bucky were sitting at the booth behind them. The sat on the same side so they could both keep the teenage omega in their sights.

"It's adorable." Sam spoke. "His crush on that one alpha."

"I know right. Rhodes is going to lose his shit." Bucky spoke.

"Time is flying by faster than ever. Remember that scared adorable little boy that James and Tony first brought home?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. He was so shy back then. Now he's not afraid to speak his mind." Bucky grinned.

"You think it'll ever happen for us?" Sam asked.

"I don't know." Bucky hummed. "Steve has never wanted kids so he just pushes them out of the image for all of us. I uh... I had a scare last month."

"Why am I just finding out about this?" Sam spoke.

"The test was negative." Bucky hummed. "I didn't want to get your hopes up if it wasn't positive."

"Is that why you've been so sad lately?" Sam asked.

Bucky looked at Peter and sighed. "I didn't know I wanted that, until I started suspecting. When the test came back negative I... my world stopped for a few seconds and not in a good way. A part of me was relieved because it's not What Steve wants
but the rest of me was devastated because I see how your eyes light up whenever we pass a kid on the street. Every time Rhodey has a proud Peter moment. I want to give that to you and and I want to experience it as well." Bucky spoke.

Sam grabbed Bucky's hands and kissed them.

"We Can always bring it up. We are just assuming that he hasn't changed his mind." Bucky spoke.

"What if he hasn't."

"I don't know because I can't lose him. I don't want to choose between him and children." Bucky spoke.

"Me either." Sam spoke.

Bucky grabbed a piece of bacon off Of Sam's plate. Sam chuckled and smiled fondly at Bucky.

"You know, if I remember correctly we ordered the same thing baby." Sam chuckled.

"Yours taste better." Bucky grinned before licking his lips.

"Well would you look at that." Sam hummed. "Your killing me sweetheart."

Bucky looked at Sam with that pretty smile of his. "Just wait till we get home alpha." Bucky purred. "You ain't seen nothing yet."

Sam chuckled before looking over at Peter. "He looks so Happy with his little crush." Bucky hummed

"Next thing you know we are going to be at his wedding bawling out eyes out cause he grew up." Sam spoke.

"If we aren't in prison for murder. You know in case someone breaks his heart." Bucky spoke.

"Please Im pretty sure between you and Nat nobody would ever find the body." Sam chuckled.

Bucky chuckled and looked up at Peter. He was wiping Harley face.

"Just Because you are a big football playing jock doesn't mean you have to eat like one." Peter hummed. "Do I have to teach you alphas how to use cutlery?"

"Cutlery?" Flash asked.

"Silverware you big dummy." Mj spoke. "Aren't your parents rich?"

Ned and Betty laughed before looking at Peter who looked like he was questioning his life choices.

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