Chapter 5

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Peter walked into his new school building with his dad by his side. He wanted to do nothing more than hide behind him as everyone looked at him.

Rhodey could feel his pups anxiety, so he held out his hand. Peter shakily took it. When they got to the front office the principal and an alpha student were waiting with smiles on their faces.

"Good morning Colonel Rhodes. It a pleasure to see you again, this must be Peter?" Principal Fuller smiled.

"It is Peter is a little shy right now...."

"No worries this is all new to him we understand. He has to take in his surroundings. You can take the tour with him if you like, maybe even stay the day with him." Principal Fuller smiled politely.

"I will take the tour and bring him lunch." Rhodey smiled. "How does that sound kiddo?"

Peter nodded and smiled softly.

"That sounds like a plan. So this is Harley keener, your tour guide. You have the same schedule, so you have a familiar face with you at all times." Principal Fuller smiled.

Peter nodded and held his hand out. "M'Peter" he spoke shyly.

"Hi'ya darlin, I'm Harley."

Peter smiled, his accent was kind of cute. They waited on the bell to ring and Harley showed him to his locker. "So your locker is right here, you can put your bag in it right now, I have a lock for you please take all the time you need." Harley smiled.

It took a couple of minutes for Peter to organize his stuff just right. He accidentally hissed at Rhodey when he tried to help him.

"I get it I get it, your locker is private. I won't touch." Rhodey hummed backing away.

Peter looked at Rhodey with a terrified facial expression because he had never hissed before. When an omega hissed at an alpha it's considered disrespectful. At least it used to be considered disrespectful until an omega biologist discovered that omegas hiss when they feel territorial, sometimes even smothered.

When Peter closed his locker door Rhodey looked at him proudly.

"Sorry dad didn't mean to hiss at you." Peter mumbled.

"It's okay pup, it only means you are comfortable enough around me to let me know what you are feel . Your papa hissed at me for chewing one time I'm definitely not offended." Rhodey chuckled.

It was all forgotten when Harley gave Peter his lock and key. "You should keep it on your badge, the school will give you another if you lose the key but you should still keep up with it." Harley spoke.

"Thanks." Peter smiled politely.

"Okay so I could give you the tour based off your schedule, it will be easier to be memorized, and then show you the big things like the auditorium nurse heat room and football field." Harley smiled. "Or I could start on the first floor and work up to the third floor." 

"The schedule based tour seems like the best option." Peter mumbled.

"Okay so our first class, Mr.Dell. He teaches English. He's pretty chill. He's our Advisory class for standardized testing and first period." Harley smiled and walked over to the door.

"Yo Mr.Dell. I'm here!" Harley smiled as he opened the door.

"Keener." Mr. dell eyed him suspiciously.
Harley threw him an apple.

"An apple a day keeps the doc away right?" Harley smiled. "This is Peter our new student. You won't get the pleasure of his presence till tomorrow morning because I'm giving him a tour." Harley smiled.

By the Time they made it through the tour Peter was a lot more comfortable with Harley.

"If you need anything papa and I are only one call away okay love?" Rhodey smiled as he hugged Peter.

"Okay dad. See you at lunch, bring tacos please." Peter grinned.

As soon as Rhodey left the bell rang indicating that first period had ended. Harley Smiled and led Peter to second period.

When lunch time rolled around Peter sat with Harley and his friends. He had already met Ned. But Flash and Mj weren't in any of his morning classes.

Peter smiled when his dad walked into the cafeteria. Rhodey walked over to the table and Peter smiled softly.

"I brought tacos like you asked." He spoke.

"Thank you. Are you going to stay?" Peter asked.

"Do you want me to stay?" Rhodey asked.

"I think I got it " Peter whispered. Rhodey nodded.

"Okay Im only a call away okay kiddo." Rhodey smiled.

"Okay Dad." Peter mumbled.

"Okay, I'll pick you up later." Rhodey grinned.

"Dad Wait." Peter mumbled before standing up and giving him a hug.

James chuckled and pressed a kiss to the top of Peter's head.

When he sat back down Rhodey waved before walking out of the cafeteria.

"Your dad is The Colonel Rhodes?" Ned asked.

"Yes." Peter hummed.

"That's so cool!" Ned shrieked.

"Ned is a bit of a fan boy. So don't mind the loser geeking out." Mj spoke.

"I'm your favorite loser though." Ned grinned.

"Damn right." Mj mumbled.

"So Peter what school did you go to?" Flash asked

"Midtown." Peter mumbled.

"You left midtown for Manhattan prep?" Flash asked.

"Well yes. Midtown is an alpha dominated school. My teachers were treating me like I was their assistant. And they tried to make me seem dumb." Peter mumbled.

"Ouch. I wouldn't want to stay there either." Mj hummed.

"Taco?" Peter offered.

"You eat." The beta smiled.

"Okay." Peter hummed.

"Do you Have a boyfriend?" Flash asked.

Peter looked at him in shock. "Err... no." Peter hummed.

"Flash keep it in your pants. You don't have to hit on every new person we get." Harley spoke.

The rest of the day was a success as well. Peter could see himself fitting in for the first time in a long time. Especially with the tall handsome country alpha to his right.

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