strawberry heartbreak

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The crystalline thinness of strawberry jam,
Luxuriant, decadent-
Thick, slow-moving paint;
Against the holed tapestry of the bread.
It is a pink fantasy being rolled out;
Soft, sweet against the roof of your mouth-
Sugar, unhurried by time.
When September exhales into October;
Summer, she collapses.

Autumn asks me,Do you want to learn the art of stealing time?
And thus I learn,
How to pick-pocket the minutes from the clock,
Keep hours tucked by my pillowcase-
I watch dusk dance into Dawn

For you, I am stealing seconds,
For you, even thievery was beautiful.
I want to take this lump-sum of hours,

My carefully engineered fixed deposit of time;
For one slow strawberry jam afternoon,
Luxuriant, decadent-
Crystalline me and you.
But you are here on stolen time;
And when Autumn whispers into Winter-

I wonder why liars are so golden
You and Autumn, both.

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