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After Taehyung left for the photo shoot, I had a wash and fell onto my bed to sleep as much as I wanted. But as I reminded to call omma, I got up from the bed and went to my table. I took a call to omma after weeks, sitting on my chair.

As usual, she started to yell at me for not eating properly, for my new hair colour being ugly in her eyes, for our new costumes, and all.

I was fed up of explaining her about the idol life. So when I was listening to her yelling, I saw there were some letters written on the cover page of my notebook. Thos letters weren't hard to recognize.


How dare he write on my books? He would've at least written whatever he wants on a page. Why did that brat write it on the cover page itself?

My brain realized what it was when I was going mad. Although I was shorter than others, I had a taller brain than they had. I hung up promising to call back, and paid attention to that username.

I knew that Taehyung made a new instagram account, but he didn't tell me its username. He ignored the question every time I asked him, so I logged in my insta account to check what he's doing by this account.

Taehyung is someone who forgets things like usernames and passwords quickly. So he has a lot of fake accounts. But he doesn't even remember their usernames. He have them written here and there, but he forgets where he wrote then in few days.

I searched that instagram username as I wanted to tease him. I found the exact username among various usernames with similar letters.


I texted him by my fake account.

Hi TaeTae!~


I typed it again as Taehyung.

~Can you please tell this is English?

Huh? How dare he? Does he think that he can talk in English just because he know a couple of words? I wonder where he found these words. I texted back as I wanted to laugh at it.

What do I have to say in English dude?Yesterday, you asked
Namjoon hyung the meaning of 'masterpiece'
And now ask me to repeat in ENGLISH?~

~What the hell you are speaking?
I don't understand a single word!

I didn't say anything about hell, did I?

'This photo of ChimChim suits to a calender in hell'

I remembered Taehyung's words at the dining tsble yesterday. How did he know that this is me? My fake account has Jin hyung's photo as profile!

Finally, I accepted the bitter truth that Taehyung is a genius than I thought, and ended the chat by some bad words. I can't even maintain a fake account because of him. Why God whyyyy!

Although I ended the chat, I checked all the photos in his feed.

Movie trailer 2022
Honey Farmer

There was a poster of a movie trailer with my photo. Since when I started acting in a film? BigHit didn't even inform me about this!

I scrolled down to see more posters. There was a poster of Taehyung too. Farmer Kim. Then Jin hyung? Teacher Kim. Joon hyung is a spaceman? Is he going to go to moon? The door will end up in his hand when he touch it to enter the rocket. Switches will break and end up on the floor when he operates them. Lol! What a film? I fell down from my chair and hit my head on the table because of laughing. I fell down, but I saved my phone from falling down.

But that profile has been 'back'ed accidentally. I found another beautiful photo when I scrolled through the beautiful images and videos on the feed, under the table.

I saw a caption underneath, when I was adoring the image.

Part 24

Jimin's day was better than he expected. He came to his spot with stolen gold without any kind of trouble, to go out of Seoul quickly.

He came to his spot, dreaming about ending his single life and going to a far away village with his love while packing the gold into suitcases.

He was stunned by the footsteps he heard when he zipped the suitcase. His Love.... His love he met in a burglary was there. His poor Love was there. The love he loved than his own life.

She wasn't alone, though. She was with a team in Police Uniform, aiming a gun towards Jimin.

The End

I knew that there is something called fan fictions in the world, but I had never read them. I felt empty when the only part I read of the only fan fiction I have read ended without an ending. I tried to find the rest of my story, going through every post of the user account. Although I saw fan fictions as a bad thing, I tried to find it as it was my story. But it has ended there.

I spent the rest of the night there trying to find the information of the user, reading the comments of that instagram post, to ask the rest of the story.
To be continued...
Fiction by Roshell 🍃

Next is Yoongi.

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