Chapter 5......

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Haruka: Oh? Your still reading this? Well Okay then, before I go any further my creator recently got his first vaccination and is waiting for his second. The only other reason why he isn't posting much is because his a lazy sack of... s*** Well enjoy reading this monstrosity of a book I made.

Y/n: Hey so today I am going to stream. What kind of stream? Well we are not going to just sit back and chat. Alot of streamers does it and so has my colleagues.


Haruka: Marry you? What are you? F****** gay?

Dante: I came back for the mil the other day.... But I forgot about the bread.

Taylor: *Reads chat* Lol you suck at FNF? Now listen here you little s***

Jonathan: Get some sleep. You have like school later on and you need some energy.

Back to Y/n

Y/n: Yeah so we are going to play some basic TF2. Since Pekora played it and has begged me to try it. 


Y/n: Where in the holy f*** are my teammates! There were like 5 in that room and now all I see is an ubered Soldier rekting my sentry!

5 minutes later

Y/n is currently playing heavy as he was shooting down a pyro and all of a sudden he got backstabbed

Y/n: Where the hell was my medic?! Did he die? .... No the B**** went to another person! And his AFK!

Another map

Y/n is now playing as spy as he backstabs a lot of people and a Pyro was chasing him

All of a sudden Y/n then jumps over the pyro but Pyro airblast him back. Y/n then brought out his gun and shot at the pyro while he was on fire, The pyro died and luck was on Y/n's side as the fire stopped and he was at 5% health.

But unfortunately for him, His luck was gone as Y/n heard demoman scream getting louder. His head was then cut off as there was a Demoman or more of a demoknight that killed him.

Y/n continues to play TF2 while talking to chat. He was in 2fort as he plays sniper, and he was a god if it wasn't for the spy who kept coming back and making Y/n's task as a sniper a living nightmare. The spy was currently dominating him and soon Y/n finally took down the spy.


Unfortunately for Y/n, he has never heard of the dead ringer and the sound it makes as the spy came back and backstabbed him, Doing a little dance while doing so


Soon Y/n's stream came to an end as he was saying his goodbye.

Y/n: Alright angels, I am going to end the stream. This stream has brought alot of pain. Anyways see you and just so you know. I am always watching

*End stream*

Light: So sorry for the bad chapter, I am currently busy with school and I am trying to look for any inspiration on making this crappy book. As an apology, you can watch these videos

Light: How could I not?

Light: Alright and here is one more

The Weeping Angel (Depressed male angel reader x Hololive)Where stories live. Discover now