Shot 1: When wish comes true💫💖

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Thank you for all the love on Destiny's Play❤️

I love you all❤️

Here is your first shot❤️

Hope you all like it💖


A young woman in her late 20s was running around in her house "Oh no there is so much work yet to be done and on top of this reunion party also.. Godd how will I manage this.. I should speak to Vish".

She calls up her friend Vishakha, her friend picks up within the first ring

"Hey Vish"

"Hello Bela.. everything set na.. we have to go to the reunion party in the evening.. I bought accessories that match your gown.. I'll bring it when I come over.."

"Vish please listen na.."

"Arre Bela.. I have some work to complete I'll see you by the afternoon baby.."

"Vish.. Vishhh"

Before Bela could say anything Vish had disconnected the call.

Bela hits her head, Godd!! Why is she so much excited.. she didn't even listen to anything that I have to say.. Now what do I do.. maybe I should try talking to Vikrant.. no no Vish itself isn't listening.. Vikrant also wouldn't..

okay calm down Bela.. my team can manage for three days without me I guess.. I have already trained them well I think.. let me talk to them once..

She calls up her team "Guys as I said before I won't be available for the next three days.. you guys will be able to take care right?"

"Ofcourse Bela.. don't worry.. we would be fine.. you are taking too much stress girl.. go to your reunion and relax.. you need it a lot.. you have been working so hard"

She sighs "Okay fine.. anything you all want call me up immediately.. also make sure there are no incidents in the production guys.. let's keep that in mind always"

"Okay Bela.. now stop worrying we will take care.. you just go and enjoy yourself.. don't think about us or work.. you can worry about it after you are back"

She smiles "Okay okay.. I'm going.. but seems like you guys are hell bent on sending me off"

They all laugh "Ofcourse one big headache will not be there hovering over us for the next three days.. obvious na we will be happy"

She narrows her eyes and glares at her laptop even after knowing that they will not know it "Oh really I'm a headache"

"Ofcourse a beautiful headache.. and a heartache.."

She smiles again "Stop trying to flirt Rehaan.. and go do your work.."

She disconnects the call smiling, she knew that they were just kidding calling her a headache. They all were seeing her working day and night, they wanted her to take rest and a few days off.

So when she told them about this reunion, they all jumped in to convince her to take an off and go enjoy herself.

She goes inside her room and looks at the gown that Vish had made her buy for the reunion party. It was navy blue coloured lacy gown, she smiles looking at the gown.

Suddenly a thought comes into her mind, Will he come.. he does love parties.. but now he is the CEO of Sehgal Group of Companies.. will he have time to attend such parties.. if he does come.. will I be able to face him.. Mahir.. will.. will you attend this reunion..

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