Shot 2: Let's start again🤝❤️

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Mahir and Bela were sitting at a table along with Vish and Vikrant. Bela was still blushing thinking about Mahir holding her hand, Vikrant and Vish were smiling looking at them. Vish turns to Mahir "So Mr.Workaholic.. how's everything going..". Mahir looks at Vish "Everything's well Mrs.Yuvraj Khanna".

Vish glares at him "Ohh so you remember I got married.. yet you couldn't come to my wedding.. what kind of a friend are you". Mahir was about to say something when Bela jumps in "Vishi he must have been busy.. I mean he is the CEO afterall.. he runs the No.1 IT firm in India.. and on top of it he has won the youngest CEO award.. come on.. you think he will have time to spare from his busy schedule.. he has taken out time for this reunion is itself a great thing".

Mahir looks at Bela, does she really think I don't have time to spare for them.. for her.. I have all the time in the world for you Bela.. If you ask me I will put everything aside and take you away with me.. that's how much I'm yearning to be with you..

Mahir turns to Vish "Nothing like that Vish.. I really wanted to come but it's just that I had an important deal going on at the time in Paris.. and dad also wasn't feeling well so I had to go for the deal.. I'm sorry yaar"

Vish and Vikrant feel that Bela and Mahir need to talk to each other, so Vish turns to Vikrant "Come na Viki let's go and dance.. you both coming..".

Bela shakes her head indicating 'No', seeing her Mahir also refuses, he wanted to talk to her. After Vish and Vikrant go to dance Mahir holds Bela's hand again, she turns towards him surprised. He stands up "Come with me Bela", she keeps looking at him "But..", he looks at her "Please few minutes".

She goes along with him, he takes her to the garden, she turns to him "Mahir why are we here.. everyone is inside", he turns to her "Bela do you really think I won't have time to spare for you all.. especially you".

Bela looks at him "Mahir I know you are busy.. you are a CEO Mahir.. You would definitely have a busy schedule and taking out time for anyone would be difficult.. it's okay Mahir.."

Mahir looks at her "Bela.. I may be the CEO of Sehgal Group of Companies now.. but I'm your bestie first right.. I would never be too busy for you or our friends.. and You are way too important for me.. and moreover.. I.. I.."

Bela looks at Mahir, his dark brown eyes keep trying look deeply into her olive black ones "Mahir.. I.. I thought you were too busy.. I thought I shouldn't disturb you Mahir.. that's why I stopped calling you or trying to contact you.. I'm sorry".

Mahir pulls her closer making her shocked and buries his face into the crook of her neck "I missed you.. I missed you so much my teddy.. you don't know how much I missed you.. I thought you didn't want us to be friends anymore when you stopped calling me.. I felt like I was forcing the friendship on you.. so even I stopped trying to contact you"

Bela hugs him back caressing his hair as he keeps holding tightly in his arms "I missed you too my hero.. We both were behaving like great saints thinking we are a disturbance in the other person's life.. when in reality we both were missing each other like crazy".

Mahir nods burying his face deeper into the crook of her neck and tightening his hold on her waist, his nose brushes against her neck making her go stiff "Hmmm.. I missed this so much.. please stay like this for some more time.. I want to make sure you are actually with me now".

She relaxes having him in his arms after a few seconds, she keeps running her finger through his hair, her heart keeps thumping hard in her chest being close to him. She was happy that she is finally getting to be so close to Mahir, Finally my Mahir is back to me.. but will he love me.. in the same way I love him.. he.. he already has a girlfriend.. it's okay Bela atleast you will have him as your bestie..

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