Chapter 11 "The Truth Revealed (2)"

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Kim Seokjin entered the room "You may take off your mask Mr.Bread since you don't need to hide your Identity" A lady's voice welcomed her.

He took of his mask revealing his handsome face. Dr. Ma Ri looked at Seokjin "You are late Mr. Kim Seokjin. Have a seat" she said.

Kim Seokjin took off his mask and sat on the seat. Dr. Ma Ri offered him glass of water to drink which he accepted as he bowed to her. "So first should we talk about jungkook or about you?" The doctor questioned which made seokjin confused "Me??"

"I have 7 years of experience and i could tell just by looking that you have insomnia" the doctor said.

Seokjin sighed and me"Tell me who don't have insomnia?"

DR: okay than let's talk about Jungkook but take care of yourself too

KSJ: *nodded* I really want to know everything about jungkook tell me what's wrong with him?

DR: You should be asking me what's not wrong with him *sigh* He is a very rare case which i am dealing from 3 years now. He has a very rare type of PTSD.

KSJ: 3 years?? And what is this PTSD?

DR: To make it easy for you to understand PTSD is Post traumatic stress disorder. For jungkook it's due to the trauma he faced in his childhood. Due to which whenever he is under constant stress he have nightmare of that particular event and the worst effect of stress is his personality shift.

Seokjin was all silent as he needed time to consume all the information. He was blaming himself for not noticing it years ago thinking about how jungkook went through everything all alone. Alot of questions were in his mind he didn't know which one to ask first.

DR: I know its hard for you to accept this all right now and-

Seokjin cut her words in between and asked his first question

KSJ: What type of Personality shift you are talking about? *he looked directly into Dr.Ma Ri's eyes really wanted to know the answer of his question*

DR: Its not hard to explain it to you as you have seen his split personality. Do you remember that day when you guys did an advertisement for coco cola?

Seokjin didn't take any time to think as he remembered that day like it was yesterday.

KSJ: Yes i do remember that time he looked really different from the normal jungkook. That day everything about him was somehow contrasting.

DR: Yes exactly because that wasn't Jungkook but his split personality. That day was the first day his split personality got activated.

Hearing these words a wave of shiver went down his spine.

KSJ: A-and what caused his personality shit? Because he was alright at first

DR: Stress is the main cause of it but we can't fully ignore the fact that his desires to for something can also activate the split personality.

Seokjin tried to think deeply what would have activated his split personality that day and finally got an answer.

KSJ: That day director shouted at him and maybe he wanted the director to apologize so--

DR: Yes exactly! As you know we have this Subconscious and conscious mind. As for in jungkook's case when he overstress himself and thinks like "i wish if i was like that i would have done this" this message directly went to his subconscious mind and activates it making his conscious mind to sleep and that's how his split personality activates.  And untill he feel like he completed that task he come back to his self again.

KSJ: Now I understand! That's why he acted like a leader for a day just some days ago right?

DR: Yes. In short you can say what he thinks is what he becomes. It might not look like a big problem right now but *sign* A normal person like us control our anger because we think about the results right? But for him thats not the case his subconscious mind can make him do anything absolutely anything! Much worst than expected!!

Seokjin started to think what can be worst than expected and a thought hit his mind which he immediately shake off from his head.

KSJ: I don't want anything much worst than this to happen to Jungkook after all he is still a kid!! Doctor Please tell me is there a way to cure him? Jaebal!!

DR: I have tried almost all the ways from counseling to medical treatment but its helpful only for time being *sigh*

KSJ: You are a DOCTORR! How can you say their is no way??

DR: I'm not saying that actually if jungkook accept his past childhood trauma he can be cured. However, thats impossible right now! Because to accept something you have to remember that thing!

KSJ: You mean his memories somehow got blocked about that event??

DR: *nodded* Yes His memories got blocked and the reason is that he himself don't want to remember the event however his trauma still chase him in the form of nightmare and he feel it all over again and again but the moment he wake up its all blur.

After hearing what Dr. Ma Ri said seokjin lose his patience.

KSJ: WhAtt!? If this was a sort of novel or something than It's unbelievable!! how can an author be just so brutal giving jungkook sucha heartbreaking storyline!! What do he get by making jungkook's life just so MISERABLEE ?? I am not liking his book at all! YAAAA! AUTHOR-!!

Seokjin after taking out all his anger on the author he came back to realization that its not a novel but a real life and sighed.

DR: I know what you are feeling right now Mr.Kim Seokjin but You need to calm down *sigh* When a door is closed we have to open it and if its locked we just have to find the key and i think i know the way to find the key but i am not sure if that key will fit the lock or not.

KSJ: I don't understand what you mean but i guess you just said that there still is a way to cure him right?

Dr. Ma Ri nodded which formed a smile on Seokjin's face and with the stars of hope that were twinkling in his eyes he looked at Dr. Ma Ri.

DR: To answer your curiousity i want to tell you that one year ago with the help of a close friend of mine i made jungkook undergo hypnosis and get to know about his trauma. I also have a recording of it saved in a CD. Do you want to see?

KSJ: Ahh? Jinjchaa? You hypnotized jungkook?? Yes I want to see... where is the CD?

Dr.MaRi opened a locked drawer and took out two CDs and inserted one into her laptop which was labeled as "trauma" and put the other one on side which was labeled as "Cure???" and gave the laptop to seokjin.

To Be Continued!
(Part 3 will be uploaded soon)

Author Note:


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"Jirisan" drama as a whole looks really interesting!! Its in my watch list now! I will definitely watch it!!😍

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