Chapter 6: A Room of Mirrors and Broken Glass

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Kitsune stood still, contemplating on what she should do. On one hand, she was curious about the noise. But on the other, she's seen enough horror movies to know that following strange noises was typically a stupid idea. "Ah, screw it.." Against her better judgment, she followed the noise.

Was this a bad idea? More than likely, yes.
Did she know what she'd see when she got there? Oh heavens no.

All she knew was that she was slightly concerned- especially since she could hear what sounded like panting between each smash. She eventually found herself outside of a dark room. She peeked in, quickly moving her head away. The room was full of mirrors. And Christopher was standing in the midst of them, holding a bent, black metal bat.

'Oh shit, oh fuck-' She thought, crouching down behind another pedestal that was by the door. There was another one on the other side. If she focused, she could faintly hear voices- neither one of them sounded like Christopher.

"You should've known better, Christopher... You brought this upon yourself." A woman's voice coldly stated.

"Me?! You're the ones that made my life a living hell!!" She could hear Christopher yell at the person... Was it even a person? Or another apparition like Lilith.

"Silence, you... You should really know better than to disrespect your parents." A male's voice remarked.

"Disrespect- YOU LITERALLY KILLED PEOPLE IN FRONT OF-" Kitsune jumped when Christopher let out a pained yell, cutting himself off.

"Do NOT speak to us that way, you ungrateful brat.." The woman's voice snarled. "We really should've gotten rid of you when we had a chance..." She added.

With what sounded like panting, Christopher spoke up again. "...Maybe... Maybe you think that... But I struck first. So therefore, I don't think you can talk..." He stated.

He sighed before continuing. "In any case... I think I've had enough from you two... It's late, and I'm tired... Plus, I have to take care of this burn from that little stunt of yours... Good riddance..."

Kitsune tensed up as she heard him walk out of the door- closing and locking it. It was silent before he sighed, gently bumping his head against the door. "Even after all these years, I still have to put up with them... I don't know how much longer I can deal with this..." He muttered. Kitsune felt sympathetic for him, he sounded... upset, almost. Or like he was at the end of his rope.

With another sigh, Christopher began walking. Much to Kitsune's terror, right past her. Fortunately, because she was on the ground, he didn't see her. But she certainly saw him. And if she was honest, he wasn't looking too good.

He looked absolutely exhausted. There was a burn on the side of his face. He no longer seemed as confident and intimidating as he was when they first crossed paths. The strangely charismatic smile he had was now replaced with a frown. And she could swear, he had blood on his hands... His own blood.

Once he was far enough away, Kitsune exhaled. She hadn't noticed she was holding her breath. Slowly, she pushed herself back onto her feet. "That was... certainly something else... Those people... Were those his parents? What did they do to hurt him- did they give him that burn?!" She rambled to herself, brain going a hundred miles an hour.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she wrote more in her journal about the events. Once she was done, she yawned- feeling quite tired. "God... What time is it?" She asked, looking up at a nearby clock. 9:45 p.m. "Oh geez..." She mumbled, contemplating what to do.

"Maybe... Maybe I should find a secluded room to sleep in for the night... One of the entries is in his room- going in there now is a death wish. Maybe... A closet?" She nodded to herself, walking over to a room she hoped would be a closet or a storage room.

With an anxious huff, she squeezed in and curled up for warmth. It was a bit cramped, but she's also fallen asleep on a train station bench once. This wasn't really too bad- at least it was relatively warm. It took a minute, but eventually, she managed to fall asleep.

Hopefully, she'd live to wake up to the next day.

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