Chapter 20: Second Attempt

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TWs: Swearing


Sapnap POV:

I'm gonna be honest.

Lukas seems like a nice person and all.

However, there's something about him that's just a little off. Well, maybe not him. I mean, I don't see them getting together.

And, if do get together. I don't they'll last.

George is my best friend and I've known him for a long time and I don't see them together. Just doesn't sit right.


It's all out of my control. George is his own person. The only time I'll step in is if they're a dick and I'm betting Dream will step in too.

I went to go meet him properly, he seemed like a decent human being from the little to no interaction I got with him.

Then, I was told to leave before I could really learn anything.

I didn't see where they went, so I just went to go meet Karl like I promised I would.

The hallways were as loud as usual. Eventually, I found my way to the cafeteria. There at our table were all of my friends like they said they'd be.

Tommy and Wilbur were sitting beside each other on one side of the table with Alex and Karl on the other. I sat beside Karl and began eating.

A conversation started up, I wasn't really paying attention because Karl was sitting right beside me.

You could say I was a little distracted, if anyone asked me a question I just nodded. I have no idea what the conversation was about I think I heard something about our SMP, but I don't know.

Over the next 10 minutes, I finished my lunch, still zoning in and out of the conversation. Without even realizing it, I moved closer to Karl. To the point where our legs are almost touching.

I moved back, hoping he didn't notice we were that close in the first place.

It didn't work.

Karl looked at me giving a concerned look, ignoring the conversation that continued. He leaned closer to my ear and whispered.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine"

I said in a quiet voice.

The others were still talking about whatever they were talking about.

He gave me a confused look as if he didn't believe me.

"You sure?"

I nodded.

He shook his head and looked to the rest of the group.

"Guys, we'll be right back"

Within 2 seconds he grabbed my hand and we sped out of the lunchroom.

The halls weren't so loud and busy as before. There were still a few people roaming the halls, but most of them are probably already in the cafeteria.

Karl eventually found an empty hall, it was the one where no one ever goes. So, it was definitely a safe place to talk.

We stopped at the end of the hall and he stopped in front of me holding both my wrists. He was looking directly into my eyes.


'fuck, this is serious" I thought, no one ever uses my real name unless it's serious.


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