Chapter 2

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It's been a few days, Edward finally returning from Alaska, the group of them hanging out in the parking lot of the school. Before anyone could see anything, a van almost crashed into Bella, Edward saving her before leaving with his siblings. Rosalie and Ianthe were driving to the hospital to talk to Carlisle. They approached the doctor after he had finished checking the human girl.

"Carlisle, he saved a human! He almost exposed us!" Rosalie hissed lowly, as Ianthe was flexing her hand to calm herself.

"Would you rather me let her die?" Edward resorted, before Rosalie could respond Ianthe interrupted.

"I'll let you do this, Edward." She said as Rosalie went to scold her too, but Ianthe held up her hand so she could continue. Her lips turned into a scowl, showing off her fangs, "But if this ends badly, I'll make sure you're to blame."

Carlisle sighed, as Edward looked at her, annoyed, "Why would yo-"

"Because, you have this twisted idea that she's your mate. She's not, she's your blood singer, if you continue on this path, and it ends badly, it doesn't just reflect badly on you."

Rosalie saw Bella out of the corner of her eyes, the others turning to her, Rosalie grabbed Ianthe and dragged her away. Rosalie was grumbling the entire time, before she stopped, turning to the older girl.

"Why don't you like her?" Rosalie asked as Ianthe shoved her hands in her pockets. "You normally stay quiet about things like this."

"I guess you can say that she has a bad aura." Ianthe took a breath of the slightly cold air. "I'm not entirely sure, actually. Sometimes when I'm near her, Tony whispers to me to get rid of her. He says she'll just cause trouble."

Rosalie nodded, putting her arm around the smaller girl, giving her a side hug. The two were close, and Rosalie knew to always trust Ianthe's information. Ianthe looked at her.

"Why do you hate her?" she asked the blonde.

Rosalie shrugged, "She's human, she can have children, grow old, and she's putting herself in danger for being curious with us."

Ianthe hummed in agreement, the two girls got into Rosalie's/Emmett's jeep and drove home, one girl still seething, one lost in her own head. Ianthe closed her eyes, trying to stop the bad thoughts from surfacing. Rosalie looked at her friend/sister/aunt, she could see the tears that she was holding back, so she took her hand and softly rubbed her palm.

"Everything will be fine." Rosalie told her softly, as Ianthe smiled slightly at her.

When they reached the home, the two girls went to do their separate things. Rosalie talked softly to Esme and Ianthe was fixing a baby deer's leg outside.

"I think she's getting worse. She walked past a bush today and it died, and with Edward getting into the human, it's not helping her." Rosalie said to her mother figure.

"Carlisle was thinking of sending her to Volterra for a bit, he has a feeling that she'll find something there." Esme responded as she poured a cup of coffee.

Alice walked in and was smiling happily, "I think that's a wonderful idea."

Rosalie sighed, and looked at the two women, "Are you sure?"

Ianthe sat on the ground, softly petting the fawn's head as it chewed some berries. Ianthe felt better then she did before, the fawn nuzzling into the black haired girl.

Carlisle had came home, and was now wandering the woods to find his old friend. He found her sitting in moss, a fawn practically in her lap, she looked peaceful and happy.

"Ianthe." he said softly, not to scare the small animal.

Ianthe looked up and smiled softly, "Hello Carlisle."

"Why don't you go to Italy?" He said, as Ianthe tilted her head slightly. He continued, "My old friend Marcus and Aro have agreed to take you in for a little bit. Marcus can see bonds between people and has agreed to help find your mate."

Ianthe looked at him surprised, a smile slowly growing across her face, "Alright. When do I leave?"

"Whenever you like." He said, smiling softly.

Ianthe thought for a second, before nodding her head. "I think I'll leave tomorrow. You think I can bring Adras?" She asked, motioning to the fawn in her lap.

"I'm not entirely sure, but we'll take care of him, your garden and the bees while you're gone." Carlisle said, watching as Adras looked up at his owner.

Carlisle then left the necromancer alone so she could prepare her departure.

Ianthe had finally finished packing, some of her journals, clothing, toiletries, make-up, and some other things. She bought the ticket and was ready to leave, slightly excited. She sat on her bed, Anthony showing up out of nowhere.

"You should know that the Swan girl is super annoying, I think she does that awkward thing on purpose." Anthony said as he huffed, sitting on Ianthe's bed. "I think she's one of those really spoiled girls that need to have everything going their way."

He continued to rant as Ianthe just smiled and nodded along, eventually it was time for her to leave. 

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