First day-Second Year

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     Jimin sighed as he stared at the blaring alarm going off on his phone. Yes, it was 6:30 am and he had to motivate himself to get up, rather than actively attempt to slip into a coma. He reached over and dismissed the loud noises, then lifted himself into a seated position on the edge of his bed.

"Jimin! I made breakfast! Don't wait too long!"

Jimin sighed, hearing his mother. He quickly got dressed in his usual clothes, freshly washed with specific detergent infused with scent blockers. He wore a baggy grey hoodie and some jeans that were ALMOST too small for him, but he didn't have money to get new pants and he refused to admit to his parents that he needed anything. After a small amount of lip oil and hair grooming, he deemed himself ready for school and walked downstairs.

His mom, a petite blonde woman with sharp eyes but a sweet smile, was placing the plates of breakfast on the table in front of his father and his brother. In order, their names were Jiwoo, Joseph, and Changkyun. Only Changkyun was an Alpha, his father being a Beta and his Mother and Omega. It was an odd household, but they stopped questioning it.

Jimin sat down in front of his plate and began eating his requested pancakes and bacon.

"Jimin, did you take your meds this morning? We agreed to enroll you as a Beta in this school. If they find out, you'll have to switch to the Omega program."

For those who are concerned, the Omega program is a program that forces you to learn how Omegas are supposed to behave in Society and Omegas can only choose careers in Caretaking, Elementary school staff, Cleaning positions in corporate buildings, or cooking in restaurants.

It's not much, but to the Omegas, it was a GREAT step towards equality and Gender rights. Jimin however wanted to pursue a career in entertainment, specifically dance. Unfortunately, society thought dance was too stressful and dangerous for Omegas and deemed them unfit to work in that area. Luckily, what society doesn't know, can't hurt Jimin.

Jimin smiled to his mother and finished his bacon. "Yeah. I'm as beta as one can get. I can't even go into heat like this." Changkyun made a disgusted face at the memory of what Jimin smelled like in heat. To him, it had smelled like wet dog and Lysol products the whole week.

His mother nodded in approval before she took his empty plate and allowed Jimin to excuse himself.

"Ok, bye guys! I gotta meet Junie before class." Jimin announced, meaning his friend, Choi Yeonjun, who was in the year below him.
(I know he's younger, but for the story, it's only a year.)

With a few nods and acknowledging grunts, Jimin was out the door and on his way to Yeonjun's house. He legally wasn't allowed to drive, but Yeonjun was actually a Beta and he usually drives Jimin to school. Just as usual, Yeonjun was waiting in his car. Jimin hopped in on the other side and smiled at him, which the other returned.

"Heyo, Minnie. Ready for this?"


"School that bad or still hiding from Bangtan?"

Jimin sighed as he thought about Bangtan. It sounds cheesy as hell, but that's what the Betas call the 6 Alphas who power-dominated the school. Others had challenged their strength and dominance, but Bangtan has never lost that battle. And every single one of them makes Jimin burn and he hears a voice screaming in his heart. "MATE!"

Yeonjun drove to the school, leaving Jimin to pout and regret his existence in the passenger seat. Jimin had been hiding from his mates since he turned 15. It was not a fun adventure when the 6 Alphas knew for a fact they were all mates and they knew that they had an Omega. They had to. Luckily for Jimin, they hadn't figured out any clues as to who it may be. If he can make it this year without being caught, 4 of the 6 Alphas would graduate and he can handle hiding from 2 people much easier than 6.

Jimin screeched when someone knocked on his window. It was Yeonjun. He hadn't even realized the car had stopped. The 'Beta' got out and pulled his bag over his shoulder.

"You could have said something." He snapped. Yeonjun just smiled.

"Yeah, but you're cute when you're angry."

They walked towards the building, ignoring the people that drooled over Yeonjun. Most people were head over heels for Alphas, but Yeonjun was the most dominant Beta in the school and he garnered a lot of attention when he beat an Alpha for saying he hit an Omega as 'discipline'.

Jimin got his books for his first 3 classes and they got Yeonjun's next. It was going dandy until Jimin was suddenly face down of the floor.

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