I can't!

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Jimin had finally been released from the hospital after a few hours of them running tests and making sure he couldn't hurt himself by existing. The pain meds were worth the extended stay. And they gave him Hydros for when the pain acted up. Normally, they Don't give such high-tier meds for .... not surgery. They told Jimin that his rib had a tiny fracture on the back, towards his spine. That could be extremely painful under stressful circumstances.

Jimin left with his brother, Changkyun, and they stopped to get fried chicken on the way home. Jimin's favorite was the honey glazed barbecue flavor. He never knew why, but the spicy sweet flavor made him feel like he's flying. Just the scent soothed the whole day he'd had. The rest liked the spicy ones or just plain. They were good, but Jimin had his favorite and they theirs.

When they got home, Jiwoo rushed to Jimin, fussing over her baby. She had been worried all day because she heard from the school that Jimin had gotten hurt, but her and her husband had been out of town for a few hours. She couldn't even think straight after they called her afterwards and said he'd been attacked by an Alpha. Jimin whined softly and gently grabbed the hands that kept patting at him and fussing over him.

"Mom, I'm ok. I got pain meds and they let me go. Nothing too serious!"

Jiwoo narrowed her eyes and her hand escaped Jimin's long enough to smack his thigh, as close to his butt as she could reach. She earned a yelp and a pouty whimper from her son. "Park Jimin, what were you THINKING? Just because you're disguised as a Beta does NOT mean you can fight Alphas!"

Jimin whined at her, his eyes widening. "Mom, I didn't fight them! They kept touching me and thinking perverted things, so I bit him! And his boyfriend..... threw me." He slowly dwindled into mumbling after seeing his mother's furious look.

"So you bit an Alpha?"


"And they let you live."


"I'm not. I'm gonna spank you until you can't walk! How could you bite an Alpha! Call a teacher! Reject him! Run away! Don't BITE them!" She smacked him again, earning another yelp. Jimin squealed and ran away, behind his father.

"Ok honey, I think that's plenty. Let's go eat dinner before it's cold." He knew his wife was just angry because she was scared, but Jimin had every right to not be touched like that, especially when he's a Beta. She just pouted and nodded, holding her husband's hand as they followed where Changkyun had gone with the chicken, which was the kitchen. He already had his plate of spicy chicken and some cheesy teokbokki. Jimin totally forgot they got those. He wanted some before the cheese cooked down.

As Jimin got his food, his parents kept secretly piling more food on Jimin and Changkyun's plates. Chang was an Alpha, so he was not opposed, and Jimin couldn't deny his parents anything. They treated him like a precious prince and he was never truly ungrateful about it.


The next day, Jimin went to school in his usual nice sweatpants and a zip up hoodie. He was almost immediately pulled to the side by his dance teacher, who was waiting by the entrance. "Hey. So... the school knows about your injury. They want you to pick up singing lessons instead of taking Dance." Jimin rolled his eyes. He'd already been told about dropping Dance this semester, but simging? Really?

"Ok. Yeah. That's fine. Where do I go for that?" Jimin didn't feel like starting a problem today, so whatever everyone wanted from him, he'll do it.... within reason.

"It's in the same building, but upstairs in the third room. On the left. It's heavily decorated, so you'll see it."

Jimin sighed as his Dance instructor ran off, probably to get ready for his first class. Jimin had-


He completely forgot about Hoseok in all that drama! Jimin ran to his math class, immediately smelling a scent he desperately craved, but he couldn't have. Sunflower seeds. He saw Hoseok talking to someone else, but they both paused as Jimin walked in. Hoseok stood up and rushed over to Jimin, his conversation completely forgotten. Jimin braced himself, ready to be yelled at. He was shocked when the Alpha bent down in front of him and his (very pretty) hands began flitting over Jimin's arms and his torso. His scent quickly changed to the scent of Walmart brand Sunflower and Lime perfume.

"Are you ok? I'm so sorry my Mate hurt you. Will you forgive us, please Jimin? I promise I'll make it up to you." Hoseok looked up at him, genuine fear in his eyes. That's probably the Lime scent. He leaned forward to cup the Alpha's face, but froze. He gripped the man's shoulders and pushed him away gently, his hands sliding down his arms to remove his hands from the boys hips.

"Hobi, don't do that. I'm no one you need to be concerned about. I'll talk to you after class about the project, ok?" Jimin smiled and ignored the fireworks going off through his whole body. Hoseok really doesn't know the effect he had on the poor boy.

Hoseok growled softly, effectively weakening Jimin's knees. The Alpha stood up and crossed his arms. "You're really gonna sit there and act like we don't know?" He was beyond irritated that his mate just brushed him off and called himself no one.

Jimin opened his mouth to protest, but the teacher walked in and shouted, "Get asses in seats! Today we'll be talking about inappropriate shapes and what NOT to do!" Jimin ran away from Hoseok, sitting in his seat and feeling majorly relieved. Hoseok on the other hand, smelled like burnt Sunflower seeds and sharp, sour grapefruit.

"So. Dicks. Are. Not. Acceptable."

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