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(Mostly fluff and filler. Sorry.)

It had been almost a week since the Alpha's had announced their relationship with Jimin. To be honest, the first few days were awful. People everywhere were jealous and either glared at or insulted Jimin or tried to seduce him away from his Alphas. Each interaction, Jimin was terrified he'd be berated or harassed.

Luckily, after a few days, most people calmed down and resolved that they'd break up on their own or if they harassed Jimin anymore, they'd be ripped apart by the increasingly protective Alphas. Of course, Yeonjun was unphased by the possessive assholes and had stayed with Jimin as his best friend. Jimin was eternally grateful for Yeonjun.

But as always, the dream never stops at peacefully content. As Jimin made his way to the gym for the class he had with Jin and Taehyung, he noticed movement from the corner of his eye. He turned a split second before he was lifted off his feet by who else but Kim Taehyung. His Minty scent immediately had Jimin relax against him.

"What are you doing here pup? Did you forget about singing lessons?" Taehyung held Jimin by his thighs as the Beta whined and laid against his chest.

"No.... I just hate it. I don't want to sing. I want to dance. My rib doesn't even hurt!" Jimin cried out, frustrated that he'd been caught in his attempt to escape Jungkook and his singing lessons.

Taehyung sighed and shook his head. "Keep going like this and you'll be singing a different song, baby. We know you want to dance, but the doctors said no because it can make your rib worse. You need to go before your late and Jungkook pounces you."

Jimin wouldn't mind that, but he knew Taehyung meant in the punishment way, not the sexy way. He sighed and got off his Alpha, slowly trudging up the stairs to singing lessons. He walked into the room exactly 5 seconds after the bell. Jungkook glared at him and tapped his fingers on the desk in front of him.

"Late, Park Jimin. We talked about this."

"It wasn't my fault! Tae Tae distracted me. And quit glaring at me. I'll cry."

He wasn't admitting weakness and Jungkook and Yoongi knew it. It was a threat because Jimin had promptly learned that when he cried, his Alphas couldn't help but comfort and spoil him. Yoongi just shook his head and smirked while Jungkook scoffed at his "sweet" Beta. All the Alphas had mistakenly thought he was just a nervous wreck and didn't know how to handle his feelings, but Jimin had proven in the last few days that he was a brat through and through. And he hadn't even gone with them after school. That's purely at SCHOOL. If he stayed the night again, they were sure they'd be coaxed into another punishment. And I mean coaxed. It was almost as it Jimin WANTED it at this point.

Jungkook shook his head and mumbled under his breath. "Whatever. Just warm up with Yoongi-Hyung." He gestured to his older mate who had more patience when it came to Jimin's bratty behavior.

Jimin walked over to Yoongi and gave him no problems while he warmed up. Yoongi had been slowly raising the octave of the warm ups, trying to find the right vocal range for Jimin. They ended up finding out he was a Tenor singer, bordering on Male Soprano 2. Jimin's voice was such a clear, soft sound. They had no idea why he was so opposed to singing. It was perfectly normal for Betas to have higher voices than Alphas. Even Jungkook could sing high notes, but Jimin was better at it.

Jungkook spent that day teaching Jimin how to breath correctly for singing, using his diaphragm instead of his chest. He had Jimin use the warm-ups as practice for singing while breathing correctly. Turns out, Jimin caught on pretty quickly. He had unintentionally learned how to breathe with the diaphragm in his passion for dance. He'd always been trying to find ways to hold his breathe better so he didn't tire himself out in the middle of a dance.

Jungkook was pleased with this discovery. "Hey Minnie. You did so good today. How would you like a reward, hm?"

Now, he was an Omega.... so that seductive tone didn't miss him in the slightest. In fact, in set his body on fire and worked it's way down. His mind raced with possibilities for the reward he could recieve. He looked over at Yoongi, who had his legs crossed and he was leaned back against the closed piano. Something about the pose was incredibly sexy. Maybe it was the smirk. Or maybe it was the arms crossed over his chest. Or maybe-

"Jimin? Did you hear me?"

Jimin snapped his head to Jungkook with wide eyes and he reached his brain to see if Jungkook said anything after the reward. "U-um... a reward?"

Jungkook smiled and gently brushed his fingers through Jimin's hair. "How about we go get ice cream? Does that sound good? We could invite Namjoon too."

Jimin almost bounced at the image of him eating ice cream with three of his Mates. How could anything be better than that!?

He nodded enthusiastically and turned a little red from his excitement. Jungkook smiled and got his phone out, dialing Namjoon.

"Hey, Kookie. What's up?"

Jungkook automatically let out a growl, which startled Jimin, but Yoongi soothed a hand over Jimin's hair. "He's ok. That's his version.... of a purr. Isn't it scary?" Yoongi joked. But Jungkook only rolled his eyes, but neither of them missed the small smile on Jungkook's face.

"Hyung, do you want to go out with Me, Yoongi, and Jimin for ice cream? He behaved very good in singing lessons today. Didn't even argue with me today." Jungkook said playfully. Jimin couldn't help the rush of shame and guilt when Jungkook made a big deal just because he didn't disrespect him for an hour. He steeled his face, glad that the scent blocker gel kept his scent from leaving his glands, which meant neither of his Alpha's would know he was upset.

"Yeah sure, see you there in a few."
Jungkook hung up the phone, alerting Jimin that he'd missed half that conversation, but it was probably fine. It wasn't his conversation anyway. Jungkook smiled at them. "Ok, let's go get ice cream!"

Fair warning, I plan on next chapter having a little bit of drama. Hehehe. You'll see.

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