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I know Tim is younger than Dick but for the heck of it I'm gonna make him a year older. So currently Tim is 14 and Dick is 13.
Dick's POV:
I'm so screwed. The bat cave is less welcoming than usual. Artemis and Tim are in the medbay because I couldn't get to the second bomb in time. Batman narrows his eyes at me, "People died because of you Dick." I feel my blood boil, "I'm not a metahuman! I can't teleport like Zatnna! Run like Wally! Fly like Meghan! I went as fast as I possibly could!" I yell. Batman grabs my arm tightly, "Your suppose to be better! I've disarmed twice the amount of bombs without any powers! I should have never brought you in!" I widen my eyes. Batman realizes what he said, "Dick.. I-" I rip my arm out of his grip, "No. I understand. I'm sorry I was a burden for you." I say. I leave the cave for my room. Alfred is out on a personal day so I leave a note in my room for him. I change into civilian clothes and pack a duffel bag, but realize most of my stuff is in Mount Justice (MJ). I leave the mansion for the last time and hop on my motorbike. I speed towards MJ and hope nobody is there. I arrive and notice the entire team's vehicles. I walk in the Mountain announcing my arrival, to my dismay. Everyone stops whatever they are doing and stares at me. I ignore them and go straight to my room. I pack what I had until the only thing left were some pictures. I see the multiple pictures of me and my older brothers. I pack them and the picture of my parents at the circus. I finish packing and sling my duffel bag over my shoulder. I leave my room being met with Wally's angry stare. Wally blocks my way but I push past him, "That's it? No 'I'm sorry'!" Wally yells. I go straight to the medbay where Artemis and Tim were. I ignore Barbara's spiteful stare and sit on the other side of Tim. Tim has a ventilator because he couldn't breath on his own, "I'm sorry.. I wasn't fast enough." I whisper to myself. Barbara's stare softens a bit, and I turn to Artemis who is awake, "I'm sorry.. I tried to get to the bomb, but I couldn't get there fast enough." I tell her. I stand up and leave the medbay, "How dare you go near her?!" Wally yells. I just keep walking, "Coward." I hear Conner murmur. I clench my fists, "You know what?" I ask. That shut them up, "I'm sorry I didn't get to the bomb. But guess what? I don't have a single power, and your acting like I have all of the superpowers in the world. Batman already said he wished he'd never met me. I'm resigning as Robin and from the team. Maybe I'll be able to find people who actually care." I say with venom. I continue to the Zeta tubes, "Robin.." I hear Meghan say. I walk through the Zeta tube without responding.
Meghan's POV:
We watch Robin walk out and I glare at Wally, "You were his best friend!" I yell. Wally looks taken aback, "He needed you to support him! Be his friend! But instead you pushed him away!" I yell. I leave and contact the League, "This is Superman." Superman answers. I take a deep breath, "Robin's gone." I say. Superman's face hardens, "What do you mean gone?" I explain the events that lead up to him leaving. Superman looks disappointed, "I'll inform the league." I nod and the call ends. Kaldur puts his hand on my shoulder, "Calm yourself." I scoff, "He left because of us. If anything I should be screaming at all of them." Kaldur nods, "I agree."

Oooh drama.

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