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Dick's POV;
3 years. 3 years since I left the title of Robin... since I left my brothers... my team. I'm perched on the rooftop; looking for any crimes. Since I've been in Blüdhaven, I've made a name for myself, as Nightwing. Police are after me, but this police is corrupted anyway. I've already stopped multiple robberies, muggings, assaults... and a few other crimes. Not many big time criminals but many small time crimes happening every night. I decide to call it a night and make my way to my run down apartment. I enter through the window and take my uniform off. I hide it in a secret compartment in my closet and put on some sweats and a tank. I look at the time to see it's 4am. I work at a small store downtown but they're closed on the weekends. I lay down and go to sleep.
Kaldur's POV:
Superman summoned the team, "We have a recruitment mission." A picture of a younger man with a black/ blue suit and a eye mask. Superman continues, "He's known as Nightwing. We've been keeping a watch on him for 2 1/2 years now. We want him on the league." I could already feel the anger radiating off Wally. Barbara rolled herself out of the room, after Robin left, Barbara was attacked by Joker and shot through the spine. Barbara has been in a wheelchair ever since; she now calls herself Oracle. Superman ends the call, "Unbelievable! We work out butts off to be promoted and this guy appears from nowhere and is immediately accepted!" Wally yells. Artemis rolls her eyes, "We'd be promoted already if we still had Robin." She says. Artemis and Wally's relationship has been strained since Robin left. Artemis blames Wally for pushing him out, while Wally still holds a grudge against Robin for leaving. Tim is back in action but he's grown distant towards us, after learning we pushed his little brother away. Batman has been even more sour since Robin left.. he regrets what he said. We prepare for the mission.
Dick's POV:
Once again a uneventful patrol, and someone or a group.. have been following me. I'm finally fed up and stop on a roof, "I know your there, and I don't like being followed." I say coldly. My heart stops when Kaldur, Wally, Meghan, and Tim step out. I want to just run and hug Tim but I can't. I put my hands on my eskrima sticks, "What do you want?" I say coldly. Kaldur looks unfazed, "The Justice League wants to invite you into their ranks." I can't believe it... it takes me getting a new identity to be promoted? I hide these thoughts and stare at them, "Meet me back here tomorrow for your answer." I say. With that I turn around and flip off the building. I grapnel away before they have the chance to follow me. I get to my apartment and take my mask off. If I go back.. I have to see Br-Batman. Barbara... I've missed her.. she was the only one I could talk to. Tim looked so.. dead.. he's alive but no emotions. Wally.. who still probably hates me. Meghan was the only one who cared.. Batman doesn't want me. I change out of my suit and sit on the couch in turmoil. I put on a hoodie and sweats, then I get on my motorbike. I drive it about a block away from Wayne Manor. I easily slip through the gates and find the window of my old room. I climb up and open the window... and am met with the sight of a clean and empty room. I hurriedly get back out the window after I hear footsteps. I watch from out the window as Tim comes in the room. Tim sits on the edge of the bed and cries. I have the urge to just go in the room and give him a hug. I pull out the picture of Jason, Tim, and I from my pocket. I write on the back, "I'll come back soon" and sign it with my name. I slip it through the window and make my way back to my motorbike. I drive away.

Time skip brought to you by: My shark statue

I awaited the team and they finally came, "For a team with a bio ship... I thought you'd be faster." I'm met with wide eyes and open mouths. I show no reaction, "How-?" Meghan asks. I narrow my eyes, "I accept your offer, Kaldur." I say. Kaldur narrows his eyes as well, "You can't toss identities around." Wally says. I look at him, "That's why I don't trust mine with you, Wally." I say. With that I walk to the invisible bio ship, "Lets go." I say. The three of them walk behind me and we all sit down. We show up at Mount Justice.. and it looks just like I left it. We get off the ship and see Superman and Batman waiting. Meghan telepathically says something to someone.. most likely Batman. Batman stares me down and I feel like cowering like I used to but I don't care anymore. I stare him down as well, "Ok.. Nightwing is it?" Superman.. screw it I'm calling him Clark.. says. Clark trying to cut the tension, "That would be me." I say. I spot a familiar face in the form of Barbara.. but... oh my god. My cold front breaks for a moment when I see the girl I saw as my sister is in a wheelchair. I quickly gain my front back and bury the pain I feel. I see Batman following my gaze and basically blocks my view of Barbara. I turn back to Clark, "Welcome to the team.. you'll be staying here for now." He says. I nod and head to my old room.. it's closed off. Barbara rolls over to me, "What the hell are you doing?!" She whisper yells. I look at her, "Getting into my room." I whisper back. Barbara looks confused, "'My room'?! That's Robin's room!" She whisper yells back. I look both ways before lowering my mask abut revealing my eyes. I put it back on, "Dick?" She asks. I nod, "Don't tell anyone.. not yet." I ask. Barbara nods, "They'll be suspicious of you if you go in there though." I sigh but know she's right. I find a different room and settle in. I'm about to change until a knock interrupts me. I put my hand on the door handle.

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