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I don't like La'gaan so he's gon be a jerk.
Dick's POV:
I answer the door to see Kaldur, "We're meeting in the training room." He says. I nod and follow him to the gym.. even if I knew where it was. The whole team is there.. with some additions. I see Beast Boy (Garfield),  Lagoon Boy (La'gaan), and Wonder Girl (Cassandra 'Cas'). La'gaan comes over, "This is newbie? Don't see what the League sees." I narrow my eye slits. Meghan flies over, "Cut it out La'gaan." She says. La'gaan doesn't back down, "I want to see what the fuss is about." Tim speaks up, "Since La'gaan is so eager to see what the excitement about. La'gaan and Nightwing will spar." La'gaan smirks at me. I take my eskrima sticks and discard them. I stand on the digital sparring mat and get into a sparring stance. La'gaan charges me and I easily flip him over me. La'gaan quickly stands and throws multiple punches but I block all of them. I grab both his fists and sweep his feet from under him. I begin to walk away but La'gaan grabs my arm. I summersault over him and pin his arm behind his back. I push him away from me, "Your a newbie!" La'gaan cries. I ignore him and lean against a wall off the sparring mat. I watch the rest of them sparring, "This is whelming.." I mumble to myself. Conner stares at me.. crap.. I forgot about the superhearing! Conner walks over to me, "Say that again?" He says. I don't react, "Say what?" Conner narrows his eyes, "I said.. say it again." Meghan had now come over, "What did he say?" Barbara is looking at me with a 'Your an idiot' look. I pinch the bridge of my nose, "I'm not in the mood for this Conner." I mumble. I start to walk away but Wally runs in front of me, "Answers first." He says. I sigh, "Fine." I turn to Tim, "I said I'd be back soon." Everyone is thoroughly confused but Tim catches it right away, "I'm going to kill you later." He says. I shrug, "I think everyone will." Artemis looks at me, "It's you." She says. Wow nobody else has connected the dots, "You guys are idiots. I know your identity, I knew about the bioship, I know the entire layout of the flipping MJ. Nothing?" I say. Everyone is still confused, "How more obvious can I make this?" I ask. I sigh, "Whelmed, Asterous... nothing? Do I need to cackle for you?" I ask. Barbara sighs, "Just take the mask off. We need to improve their detective skills." She says. Kaldur has realized it for a while now but Meghan, Conner, and Wally are clueless. Garfield, La'gaan, and Cas don't know me too well though. I take the domino mask off and it FINALLY clicks. I'm surprised by Meghan almost knocking me over from a hug, then Artemis hits me in the back of the head, "Ow." I mumble. Wally and Conner are glaring at me, "I'm still self-loathing enough... I caused Artemis and Tim getting hurt.. and learning that Babs got into a wheelchair and I didn't know." I tell them point blank. Wally and Conner are shocked.... Babs rolls herself to me and puts a hand on the side of my arm, "It's kinda hard to tell you when nobody can find you." She says. I smile at that, "I couldn't.... Bru-Batman... told me he never should've brought me in.. I hurt Tim and Artemis.. I just couldn't come back." I say. Tim then speaks up, "Speaking of which.. your going to have to tell Batsy. He already thinks your a pervert looking at Babs." Babs starts laughing at this, "Wow. I can't even look at people!" I respond exasperated. La'gaan speaks up, "This is Robin?" I forgot he was in here, "Was. I was Robin." I correct. Megan is glaring at him, "What's your problem?" Babs asks. I speak up, "Leave it alone.. I honestly don't care what he thinks about me." I mutter. La'gaan stops his berating and I sigh while beginning to walk to the main room, "If I don't return.. Batman has killed me!" I exclaim. I get a few chuckles from people.. oh I'm so dead. I get to the main room where Batman, Clark, and Diana are talking. I take a deep breath but before I could say anything Batman talks first, "What do you want, Nightwing?" He asks. Clark and Diana are now looking at me, "About that.." I mutter. I can't decide if I should take my mask off.. or say it or.. what. Batman becomes impatient, "You are wasting our time." Babs then wheels herself in, "Just take the mask off, Robin." I look at her, "You really had to call me Robin?" I ask. Batman walks over to me, "Dick?" He asks. I clear my throat nervously, "Yeah.." I murmur. Im caught by surprise when he hugs me. It takes me a moment to react but I cautiously hug him back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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