Chapter Four: Surrounding City Hall

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As the sun went down over the town he governed, Konohagakure's leader stood in his office looking out the window, smoking a cigar while Sakura's husband, Deputy Mayor Sasuke Uchiha, stood in front of the desk. As he looked out, he saw one of his loyal police officers beating down a defenseless pickpocket to a pulp.

"Life's not fair, is it?" he asked himself of the situation going on before him. "You see I, well I, shall never be second rate and you shall never see the light of another day. Adieu."

The police officer picked up the pickpocket and hauled him down towards the basement of the Konohagakure City Hall. Once the thug was completely out of sight, Danzo turned to the task at hand.

"Sasuke, I think you know why I have summoned you at this hour," said Danzo, turning away from the window and looking at his second in command. "I specifically ordered that the woman who betrayed you was brought to Kimon City to be stoned for her crimes. WHY DIDN'T THEY DO IT?!"

"Because from what I heard," replied Sasuke, backing away slightly. "Asahi didn't have the heart to destroy her when the mob demanded it."

"OF COURSE HE DIDN'T HAVE THE HEART!" shouted Danzo, getting into Sasuke's face. "I'm not a fool, Sasuke. This is why Asahi and Honoka need to be removed from power. The time has come for someone to show aggression and will to protect Azura at all costs. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Danzo then reached into his desk and pulled out a list of people whose names were on the list. Each one was marked with either a red or a green check mark.

"This is a list of people who must be eliminated," explained Danzo. "All the weak-minded people do not deserve to live in the society that I will one day create and the Royal Monarchs are among the people listed. Why else do you think that we were attacked by Maleficent and her goons, Sephiroth, the spirit of Chaos, and Orchimaru, a demon who had escaped from the Isle of the Lost and wasn't executed for it? This is why the Royal Monarchs and their laws must be removed from power."

"What do you propose that we do?" asked Sasuke. "Do you propose that we treat the targets the same way as my traitorous wife?"

"Exactly, my Deputy Mayor," laughed Danzo, putting the hit list back down on the desk. "I have a vision and these so-called saviors who are supposed to protect us, well, they are not part of that vision. My goal is to be on the throne of the Imperial City, Sasuke, with you at my side. Soon, all of Azura will look at me as the one true savior, not some pathetic, weak monarchs."

Danzo laughed sinisterly at his diabolical intentions as he went back towards the window while the door knocked, interrupting his train of thought. Sasuke walked over and answered the door, opening it up to reveal a man in a police uniform and wielding a baton. This caused Danzo to turn away from the window.

"The pickpocket has been thrown in the dungeons, sir," said the officer. "Shall he be charged and released?"

"No, Toneri," said Danzo. "I cannot let filth like the pickpocket just wander off into the night. In fact, he's probably somewhat allied with the people who are seeking to overthrow me. Have him undergo questioning, and then, if he doesn't talk, have his throat slit and fed to the alligators in the Summer Forest. Understand?"

"At once, My Lordship," replied Police Sergeant Otsutsuki and he left to carry out Danzo's orders.

Once Police Sergeant Otsutsuki was gone, Danzo turned back towards Sasuke and sat back down on his desk, seemingly waiting for something sinister to happen.

"Now don't speak for a few moments, Sasuke," he said. "What you are about to hear is the sounds I hope the people on the list will make when I get through with them."

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