Chapter Twelve: Opening Arguments

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The start of the trial was filled with tension and a silence so deep, that a pin being dropped and hitting the ground could be heard. Danzo Shimura, Sasuke Uchiha, and Police Sergeant Toneri Otsutsuki were led into the courtroom while being greeted with hard stares and disapproving glances. However, they all didn't pay attention and felt as if they were going to come out of this. From their thrones used during trials, both Asahi and Honoka watched with disgust at their enemies.

"They are so full of themselves, my love," remarked Honoka bitterly. "Thinking that they will just get off so easily."

"I can assure you that they won't," retorted Asahi quietly. "I was such a fool to believe that they would be the ones to lead Konohagakure in a fair and just manner. I've been taken advantage of many times before, Honoka. But that all ends now!"

As Asahi spoke, Danzo looked over towards the monarchs and gave them a very cocky smile. Neither one of them were impressed and said nothing.

"I can see what you mean, my love," whispered Honoka as she watched Danzo turn away from the monarchs. "Look at him. He is no worse off than any of the enemies we have faced over the years."

All Asahi could do was nod in reply as the trial was called into session.

"This court is now in session," called the bailiff as Judge Hanzo Tanaka walked up to the bench. "God bless Azura and this honorable tribunal."

Once the judge was seated, so was all in the courtroom. Phoenix Wright stood next to the monarchs, looking over his notes one last time before he was to deliver the opening arguments. The middle-aged man couldn't help but feel more than a little nervous. After all, these were people that were charged with crimes that were considered unthinkable in the eyes of Azura, and feared deep down of the consequences he could face from the monarchs or even the people in the gallery if he couldn't secure three convictions.

"The prosecution may now begin its opening address," said Judge Hanzo Tanaka as he banged his gavel to start day two of the trial.

"Slow and easy, Phoenix," said Asahi quietly as Phoenix approached the podium. "The fate of these three evil people rests in your hands."

Taking a deep breath, Phoenix closed his eyes and pulled himself together before addressing the court.

"When we elect or choose our leaders," he began. "Much like they have for us, we have expectations for them to lead with a firm but fair hand. These defendants that sit in the docks today, were nothing what anyone was expecting out of them. When you are a leader of a town like Konohagakure, you are to lead your town or city in accordance with the laws that our beloved sovereigns expect you to follow. The defendants had every single bit of intention to lead Konohagakure under their own twisted leadership."

As Phoenix spoke those words, Danzo's eyes crossed in disappointment and fury. In his mind as well as those of his comrades, Phoenix was trying to convince the court that what he did was against the law. Not Asahi's law, not Honoka's law. His law.

"500 years ago, Emperor Strife Astlar Grandall ruled the Grandall Empire with a similar intention," continued Phoenix. "And as a result, thousands upon thousands of people were forced to live under horrendous and unforgivable conditions, while Strife enjoyed the luxury of being a ruler. But Strife became one of those leaders who ruled the Grandall Empire with an iron fist. It was either his way or else you are put to death for it. The prosecution has evidence that believes that the defendants were planning to follow the laws of Strife and not the laws of the monarchs."

Asahi and Honoka nodded silently at one another in agreement that what Danzo was trying to do was to follow the laws of Strife and not them.

"Therefore," he said, pausing to catch his breath as well as to gather his energy before turning over to the three defendants and thundering at them. "The prosecution is calling them to account for murder, brutalities, torture, and atrocities that they share because of Strife's influence and responsibility for the most malignant, the most calculated, and the most devastating crimes in recent Azura memory!"

The thundering voice of Phoenix Wright rocked the courtroom, leaving the entire courtroom feeling stunned and shocked. Many of the citizens of Konohagakure who were in the gallery couldn't believe what they were hearing and yet, it was satisfying to them.

"And they are perhaps more guilty than some of the others," said Phoenix, turning back away towards the judge. "Because they sentenced their citizens to death for petty crimes such as stealing or wanting to leave a troubled marriage."

When he said those words, Sasuke growled silently in fury and anger. In his mind, he refused to believe that Sakura and he were in a troubled marriage.

"What you will see during this trial," finished Phoenix, looking towards the judge. "Is evidence that will condemn these defendants to be punished according to the fullest extent of the law. The prosecution has nothing more."

Exhausted, Phoenix stepped away from the podium and bowed to the monarchs before returning to his seat.

"Herr von Karma will now make the opening statement for the defense," said Judge Hanzo Tanaka as Manfred got up to present his opening arguments.

As he got up, Manfred turned around to look back at his clients, with Danzo raising an eyebrow as if to say that he was going to be punished if they lost this trial. From his seat, Phoenix watched as the nervous defense attorney from Amestris faced the judge. He knew that Manfred didn't want to be a part of this, but he had no other choice. These were his clients and he had a job to do.

"Your Honor," began Manfred, taking a deep breath. "I stand before you today to defend three men who are among the greatest leaders in Azura. They have been nothing short of accused of crimes that they believe were not to be called crimes. They have done nothing wrong and some of these people needed to be punished. Mayor Shimura is a man who led with a firm but gentle hand."

Danzo smiled in a cocky smile upon being told this. Sasuke also followed suit. However, Police Sergeant Otsutsuki did not.

"They have followed the laws of Asahi and Honoka," continued Manfred. "Had they not done so, then they would have been removed from their posts long ago. The recent events concerning my client, Sasuke Uchiha were in fact justified. His wife, Sakura, had broken the laws of being a loyal wife to my client. She needed to be punished, but the cry of my client for her to be killed was only said out of pure anger and rage."

Hearing this made Asahi feel very cross and angry at the same time. In fact, part of him wanted to go over to the defense and teach Manfred a lesson for even defending these men who didn't even need to be protected at all.

"The laws of Danzo were to enforce, not to kill," finished Manfred. "The defendants have been accused of crimes that they claim were never part of to begin with. This trial will explain that my clients were in fact doing their job of running Konohagakure according to the laws of our monarchs and not by their own abuse of power. The defense has nothing more."

Exhausted, Manfred returned to his seat while both the judge and the Royal Monarchs were sitting in complete and utter disbelief.

"The tribunal will adjourn until tomorrow morning," said Judge Tanaka, banging the gavel to end the trial's second day. However, upon leaving the courtroom, both Asahi and Honoka were completely dumbfounded at Manfred's opening address.

"He just doesn't understand," remarked Honoka in disbelief. "He just doesn't understand what he is doing, my love. Have you ever seen a defense lawyer look so uncomfortable? It makes you wonder if the old man would be punished by Danzo if the trial went in our favor."

"Of course he understands," replied Asahi bitterly. "But from what we are seeing, Herr von Karma is a man who is being puppeted by Danzo into doing the defense. However, there is nothing we can do but wait until the verdict comes out."

And Asahi was right. They could do nothing but wait until the verdict would come out at the end of this trial.

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