Epilogue Fan Fic ending for Under the Oak Tree

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Maximilian Calypse looked out the carriage window as it rolled across the smooth roads of the kingdom of Livardon. Traveling south from the frozen northern region, the landscape erupted into the full beauty of spring. Flowers of every colour clustered along the road they traveled, and the vast fields were dotted with thousands of purple blossoms. Clusters of trees with new green leaves dotted the peaceful fields as the sun shone brightly across the land.  

Sejour Aren had provided his most luxurious carriage for her comfort, as well as four powerful horses to pull the carriage. Rem and Talon were traveling with the Remdragon Knights accompanying the carriage. They were among a huge procession of nobles and knights journeying to Balbon, the capital of Osiria, to be honored at the Grand Sanctuary for their roles in successful conclusion of the allied war against the monster city hidden in the Pamela Plateau. 

She shivered slightly, pushing the unpleasant memories away. She turned her thoughts to their plans to attend the Great Osiria Festival and the Seven Kingdoms Fencing Contest before their return to Anatol.  Her husband, Lord Riftan Calypse, was seated beside her. His arm, which encircled her slender waist, gently drew her closer to him.  

"Are you cold?" Riftan murmured, drawing the furred coverlet around her tightly.  

Maximilian shook her head slowly and leaned into his body, inhaling his scent, and rested her head on his chest. His other hand caressed her knee lightly.  

Prior to leaving Ethylene, he had informed the Remdragon Knights that he was making the journey as Lord Calypse. He had attended Lady Calypse the entire journey, dressed in the splendid clothing of a prosperous and powerful nobleman. His armour and sword were carefully stowed away, together with a new and carefully woven ornament for his sword.  

He quietly added, "We will arrive in Balbon later this evening. Sleep now if you feel weary." 

Maximilian smiled and replied, "Yes, Riftan, I will sleep now." She snuggled contentedly against his chest, lulled to sleep by his steady heartbeat. Riftan watched her peaceful face, and smiled as he anticipated her happiness in Balbon. She had shyly mentioned some places and people she wished to see, and he was determined that no wish of hers would go unfulfilled.  



Upon their return to Ethylene Castle at the conclusion of the war, Maximilian had felt uneasy in her husband's company; both she and Riftan had repeatedly wounded each other by their thoughtless words and jealous accusations. She sensed there was a vast gulf between them. However, once at Ethylene, Riftan had transformed from a cold and indifferent man back into the passionate husband she had so desperately missed. 

Something had changed. Maximilian saw that where once he gave orders for every small detail of her day without regard for her wishes, now he seemed to seek out her desires; every morning he formally requested "the honor of her company for the day" without a trace of sarcasm or contempt at the polite words that were completely foreign to him. He ordered her favorite dishes and drinks to their room and pampered her in every way.  

Dresses of costly, delicately woven material arrived for her; he helped her to dress in the luxurious but simple gowns he saw she preferred, and he brushed her wavy hair himself. He even had a volume of ancient Roem legends brought to their room; in the afternoons he read her favorites aloud, snuggled up in front of the cheerful fireplace.  
When Maximilian napped in the late morning, Riftan left her in the quiet, experienced care of an elderly servant, Anais, and attended to any pressing matters that naturally arose at that hectic time. He was always back to share Maximilian’s midday meal, and would find her and Anais working with brightly coloured wool and beads that were quickly whisked out of his view.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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