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𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚊𝚏𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚖 𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜, 𝙸 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 <𝟹

"Frederick Gideon Weasley," Y/N said slowly, taking a step towards him.

Fred raised an eyebrow and snorted. "Am I supposed to be scared? I could pick you up and throw you." He grinned.

Though profusely panicked at the photo Fred held in his hand, Harry was unable to suppress a small laugh, resulting in a glare from Y/N.

"Interesting photo isn't it Freddie?" George said before Y/N could get a single word out.

"Very" Fred said grinning widely, "Who knew our innocent little Y/N knew how to snog—"

Y/N cleared her throat loudly, cutting him off.

Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"Touchy subject?" George asked, walking over behind Harry, "so silent scar boy? Y/N isn't the only one-"

"What photo?" Hermione asked, standing up in an attempt to see. Fred pulled the photo closer to him, blocking her view.

"Now now Granger, no peeking" Fred said, "this is for our eyes only— oh and Y/N, these are for you" he added, tossing a small pouch of mini chocolates with a small note.

Don't hate me, it was Sirius' idea, he hid my collection of chocolates and refuses to give it back until I send this, sorry but I can't function without them.

love you lots!


Y/N rolled her eyes at the letter, this was pure betrayal.

"Look Fred. just give me the photo so we can be done with thi—"

"Bloody hell stop it!" Ron said, standing up, (very annoyed) and yanked the photo out of his hands.

Fred stood, flabbergasted.

"Ron-" George said, he and Fred not intending to actually show anyone.

"Thank you!" Y/N said, quickly pulling it and tossing it into the common room fire.

"OI! i didn't get to see it!" Ron huffed. Hermione stayed silent, she'd simply ask Y/N about it later.

Y/N smirked at Fred and George who didn't have an ounce of disappointment on their faces.

"I've got 5 stacks safely secured in the castle, don't bother looking, they're well hidden" George grinned as he and Fred walked off, very satisfied at the look of mild panic on Harry and Y/N's face.

"Care to explain?" Ron tried, Y/N chucked a chocolate at him, this being her way of shutting him up.

It worked.

"We should be going now, we hardly get Hogsmeade visits" Y/N said as she stood up. Hermione looked very concerned as she watched Harry also stand up.

"What?" Harry asked, confused at the look on her face.

"I just thought you'd want to take advantage of the common room being quiet," she said. "Really get to work on that egg."

"Oh I — I reckon I've got a pretty good idea what it's about now," Harry said. Y/N raised an eyebrow, knowing that he had no clue about the egg.

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