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𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚊𝚏𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚖 𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜, 𝙸 LOVE LOVE LOVE 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 <𝟹

A/N: 1 MILLION READS!! Thats actually insane 😭 thank you to everyone who is loving and supportive, I appreciate each and everyone of you :)


"How long?" was the first thing that Y/N has asked. Unlike before where they had been lying on the ground, they now found themselves in their bed, comfortably underneath the covers as they leaned into each other.

Of course it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but it still felt different.

A good different.

Harry let out a soft breath in response to her question, a hint of amusement playing through his features, "wouldn't you like to know" he said, earning a playful roll of Y/N's eyes.

Y/N rolled to her side, facing him as his grin grew. "Yeah I would" she said plainly.

Harry too playfully rolled his eyes, also readjusting himself to face her. "I started to notice around the middle of third year, i forgot what exactly we were doing, but I know It all started one night in the common room."

Y/N looked at him, her eyes slightly questioning as to see if it was true.

There wasn't a hint of insincerity in his eyes. Those gorgeous emerald eyes. She let out a soft breath, flopping back into her initial position. "How did it take me this long to notice, thats more than a year!"

Harry let an amused expression take over his features, "for someone who doesn't use glasses you 're awfully blind" he teased. Y/N grabbed a nearby small throw pillow and smacked him with it.

"I literally bought you a ring worth more than 3000 galleons"

Another smack.

They continued talking, Y/N admitting that she had grown an attraction to him during the summer before fourth year, Harry had been dumbfounded.

Each little revelation they made earned a small fit of laughter, they went back and forth, stating things that should've been dead giveaways of their feelings for each other, this was easily their favorite part of the trip.

"You did what?!" Y/N said, struggling to catch her breath from laughing.

Though when he'd done it in the moment, it had been one of the most stressful things Harry had ever done. But now, he could look back and laugh at it, he received flirting lessons from Y/N's father and godfather.

"Did you tell him it was me?" Y/N asked, once again turning to face him, her mind invested in the story.

"God no!" The thought of telling Sirius of his feelings toward Y/N sounding mortifying. "I told him it was some Hufflepuff, he did guess it was you at first though"

"You have to tell me everything, i want full visuals in my head" Y/N said, wishing she could accio a croissant into her hand.

Harry let a soft laugh leave his lips before he began.

They talked and talked, their stories seeming almost never ending until they eventually fell asleep.

Y/N had fallen asleep first, Harry not long after. But in those last couple of minutes, Harry let himself really absorb everything that had happened in the last couple of hours.

Everything changed now. '

Absolutely everything.

But it was for the better this time, because she was his, and he was hers.

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