4: The Whole Package

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Michael smirked as he took in Alicia’s reaction to the car they stood in front of. It was a sleek silver car, a model that was a little nicer than most of the new Agents had the honor of receiving. Birkhoff had managed to find a good deal on it, or so he’d claimed, and since it fell in the price range there had been no reason not to allow it. As nice as the car was it was the look on her face that had the man smirking. “Is that mine?” Alicia asked, her eyes flittering over to him in disbelief. She’d known that active Agents were treated well by Division, but everything still seemed like a dream to her.

“I can take it back if you want-“ he teased, moving the keys he held in the air away from her as though about to take them back.

Alicia snatched them quickly from his hold, flashing a lustful grin at the car. “Don’t even joke about it,” she breathed, stepping up to the car.

He watched the way she ran her fingers up the hood of the car, slowly trailing her way to the driver’s side. It was more than apparent that she loved the vehicle she had just been handed the keys to, and Michael couldn’t help but enjoy her level of enthusiasm. If he had to be honest with himself, this was the best part of his job. She’d passed her graduation with flying colors, taking out her target as though she’d been born a killer. “First car?” he asked, hands clasped together behind his back as he stood back and observed the young woman.

“I’ve never even owned a bike,” her distracted reply came. I think I’m in love, she smiled to herself as she clicked the unlock button on the keys and the doors chirped in reply.

He quirked a brow, finding that a little sad to hear. While he didn’t know exactly what her file contained, he couldn’t imagine the smiling girl in front of him ever being denied anything in life. One of those smiles she had become famous at Division for and he probably would have gotten her a car off his own paycheck. “Your file said you had a license,” he commented, going over the few facts about her that he did know. While he’d never gone into her personal file he had been present during her selection for the program and he knew the basics. It was part of his job after all.

“I did,” she acknowledged before rising her eyes to meet his, “I mean, I do.”

Once more her smile worked its magic and Michael returned it with one of his own. Good choice Birkhoff, he congratulated the man’s selection, feeling a little sorry that he hadn’t been able to see her reaction to it in person. If he knew the man at all, and he did, then he was watching from one of the cameras in the well lit parking garage. He couldn’t blame him either, her clear happiness was contagious. “You can give it a try later,” he informed her, drawing her attention away from the car before she could open the driver side door and climb in.

“Later?” her face fell. Unlike many of her now fellow Division Agents, Alicia saw no need to hide her emotions from her coworkers. After all, it made it easier to contain them when the time came. Not having any tension pent up from the normal day to day activities meant when the time came to play a role she could submerge herself completely. It was part of her undeniable charm.

“We have to head over to your apartment. Now that you’re an Agent there’s no reason to stay locked away in Division, don’t you agree?”

“But,” her eyes flickered to the vehicle, “what about my car?”

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