7: Target Down

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Slipping her arms into the black jacket, Alicia smiled. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this,” she admitted, her eyes flickering over to the female Operative beside her.

“Which part?” the Operative asked, her finely plucked eyebrows rising.

“This whole co-ed changing experience,” she laughed. Her green eyes flittered over the four men who were on the opposite side of the room, all in the process of gearing up as well.

The woman gave a nod of agreement. “You get used to it,” she shrugged on her jacket. After zipping it up she met Alicia’s eyes. “Other than the Op’s where you need to dress for a cover,” she informed her, “you’ll be down here with the rest of the team.”

“Well that makes sense: when you’re dressed to be undressed you get privacy,” Alicia couldn’t help but smile, finding it a bit humorous. While the woman refrained from laughing, she did share in the smile. “You’d think they could manage locker rooms,” she shrugged, realizing for the first time just how weird it was. With everything that Division had she couldn’t help but find it odd that they made everyone change together. Not like there’s anything to see, she realized, thinking to the underclothes she wore. The issued boy short underwear and sports bra weren’t exactly lingerie grade.

“You could always bring it up to Amanda,” one of the male Agents interrupted, “I’m sure she’d take it into consideration for you.” His brown eyes were locked on Alicia, words directed towards her as well. The tone of his voice was clearly patronizing, and she picked up on it instantly. One look at the man who had approached, already fully geared up, and she was reminded of Samson. He had the same superior attitude that Samson always held when he would harass Alicia about Birkhoff.

His attitude only amused Alicia. “I just might,” she flashed him a bright smile, turning to stride from the room. She wasn’t about to let the petty words get to her. It was no secret that Amanda was fond of her. The fact she was being sent on yet another mission was proof of that. While Alicia had managed to get two weeks away from Division she found herself being called in once more.

An Operative had dropped out of the mission, the reasons behind it unknown to Alicia, and she had been assigned as the replacement. It was odd considering the Operation had nothing to do with the skill set that Amanda was so fond of. No, this time she wouldn’t have to play a character. She was merely a part of the field team and didn’t have any significant part to play. There was no reason that another Agent shouldn’t have been able to fill the spot. Yet here she was, strolling down into the parking garage to take her place in the back of a black SUV. In the matter of a few hours she’d be out on the field and part of a strike team sanctioned to take out a dirty corporation.

It felt weird to be a part of a Team. The handful of missions she’d been a part of she always played a part that made use of her looks and ability to act convincingly. The mission in question had nothing to do with that, and as she strode towards the awaiting SUV she wondered how she’d gotten drafted for it. With all of the Agents that Division has at their disposal, she asked herself, why me? It wasn’t that she didn’t like being put to use. She’d happily do whatever Division asked of her, eagerly earning the second chance they had given her. However, like the other Agents climbing into the van, she wasn’t sure what circumstances led to her being activated so often.

Resting her firearm across her lap, she scanned the others that comprised of her Team. The leader for this mission was Agent Monroe, one she’d never before had an opportunity to work with, and he seemed to be the only one impartial to her involvement. As everyone got settled into the van she tried to get comfortable on the bench seats that had her facing the three men who clearly didn’t think she was up to the task. Monroe had slipped in between her and the female operative, and she felt an unusual sensation of confinement. It was going to be a long drive to the drop point.

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