... And he had this thing

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When Lizzy stopped talking I followed where her eyes went and saw that their was a poster on the wall outside our Bio lab, now to most people this may seem like no big deal but the biology teacher we have is very strict on posters. When we reached the poster we saw that it was about helping a local club for disabled teens and we could go and offer to help them with anything. All we had to do was sign up at reception. slowly I turned to Lizzy and said "O great one doth thou want to help the less able?"
To which Lizzy replied " Only if thou will do it with me my lord?"
Now before you think we are totally insane or that this is some weird version of Shakespeare in the park, I would like to say that this is just how we talk to each other as we have since we were seven.
We continued to talk like so for another couple minutes and at the end we had decided to sign up.
Biology could have gone on forever if we hadn't been saved by the bell, during the torture that is biology I overheard the girls on my table talking about another poor boy but I found one thing the said very entertaining "and he had this thing ". To which the other girl replied "how big was his thing?" . After that I couldn't take it and I burst out laughing which made Lizzy and my other friends Mallory, Jess and Emily start laughing too this in turn got all three of us sent out of class where we continued to laugh until the teacher came outside to talk to us.
By break all of us has to go and help out at the local club three night after school for the next three weeks. I complained about this because I have to train if I even have a shot of qualifying for the Olympics, we slowly made are way towards the canteen so we could get food.
"Mmh ummm mumhp" Mallory said as she stuffed her face with her salad that she always has, Lizzy answered "Lily stop eating her food" when I was told this I blurted out "How do you know that's what she meant??"
"Because your eating her food again" Emily butted in with, I would like to say I was mature and civilised but I wasn't as I stuck my tongue out at her in response.

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