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A/N: I've lost motivation for my marvel story but i will pick back up on it soon









Cora was watching the band practice for their big performance later that evening. Alex is her brother and he was only around 11 months older than her, but it still had its bragging rights. Reggie being her boyfriend of about 6 months now at first her brother didn't like the idea of them being together with Reggie being his bestfriend and all. Eventually he just accepted it. Luke had been like another brother, since he had been around for as long she can remember. Bobby's relationship was just neutral they never hung out and they weren't as close as she was with the others. Their final practice coming to an end. "That was amazing everybody is going to love you guys!" She said as the band jumped off stage walking to her.

Alex looked at her as he got off the stage. "Oh that little bit it was nothing compared to what we're going to show off tonight!" He said putting his drumsticks in his back pocket, but not before giving them a good twirl like always to which everybody rolled their eyes to every time he did that.

Reggie held his girlfriends hand once he got up to her waiting for Alex to finish before he spoke. "We are all gonna go and get some streetdogs if you'd care to join us m'lady." He said being somewhat romantic just to see Alex's reaction. This time he got a fake gagging noise which made all of them laugh especially himself.

Cora smiled while laughing just like everybody else and rolled her eyes jokingly looking at her brother. "Oh c'mon its not that bad you're overreacting also as much as I would love to go with you guys. I have some stuff to take care of here but I will see you guys before the show."

While the boys went out to get some hot dogs Bobby and Cora made sure everything was correctly set up for Sunset Curve's performance.

Bobby was setting up his own guitar stand when he managed to hear something on the news. He then went to turn it up and looked over at Cora. "You need to get over here and listen to this." He told her without looking towards her and focusing on the TV.

Cora nodded than hopped down from the stage going over to the TV expecting it to be some fun news about Sunset Curve, but it was the exact opposite. Her smile quickly faded as her eyes filled with tears knowing that her brother, boyfriend, and bestfriend were all dead. All before they could full fill their dreams of being famous Rockstar's and making their parents proud. "No that's a lie they can't be dead especially from food poisoning not that fast." Cora wept more to herself than to Bobby.

Bobby for once decided to not think about himself and he looked at Cora for a couple of seconds before deciding to give her a comforting hug. She started crying while he stayed their hugging her for a couple of minutes.

a month later

Cora followed Bobby outside of his new studio anger written all over her face. "You can't do that those are Luke's songs not yours! At the very least you have to give him credit!" She shouted at him as the two of them stopped on the side of the street.

Bobby just looked at her barley even acknowledging her. "That's not your choice to make! I think Luke would be okay with me recording his songs did you see how well this last one did? He'd be happy plus he wasn't even your boyfriend. Reggie was why are you getting so mad over this?!"

Cora scoffed when he mentioned Reggie. "Yes, Reggie was my boyfriend! But Luke was my best friend! it doesn't matter you do know I could expose you for stealing other peoples songs. Your career would fail before it even began!" Core shouted at him getting angry that he even thought this was okay.

Bobby looked at Cora with a cold glare as he knew that she had more than enough evidence to prove that he was in fact stealing these songs. His career would be ruined which he definitely wasn't about to let that happen he smirked when he saw a car heading towards them. "Tell Luke I said thanks." He said than pushed her in front of the car. He stepped back on the sidewalk watching her get run over feeling the almost instant pain of guilt.

Cora was confused when he said that. "wait what do you mean-" she wasn't able to get another word out as she felt him push her and than sound of the cars. She looked as the car came towards her the speeding car didn't have enough time to stop. It ran her over but luckily it was a quick painless death for Cora. Those were her last moments before she was murdered by her brother's best friend.

5 years later

Cora appeared in a unfamiliar place it was quite, golden, and flashy but it was completely empty. It had a big sign with the letters "H G C" meaning Hollywood ghost club, but of course she didn't know that walking around aimlessly. "Hello!...Hello!" She shouted then bumped into somebody. "Oh I'm so sorry."

Caleb looked Cora up and down knowing she was a ghost as she sounded surprised to even bump into him. "No reason to say sorry this is the Hollywood ghost club all about having fun I want no apologies! How about you stay for the show ill even offer you a spot onstage as my assistant." Caleb offered knowing she probably had nothing.

Cora looked at him with a small smile she was hoping if she could see him another ghost. She hoped than she'd be able to see her brother , boyfriend, and bestfriend again. She shrugged hesitantly. "I'm not sure.."

Caleb saw her hesitation and shrugged pretending like he didn't care. "Okay but you'll be missing out on the best parties ever and not just in Hollywood all around the globe. You'll have endless fun and here in my club we can eat. Do you like chocolate? We make amazing chocolate fudge brownies. They're to die for no pun intended." He grinned then held his hand out for Cora to shake. "How about this deal?" Caleb asked her.

Cora didn't know how he knew but she was a sucker for all these chocolate and not just brownies. The idea of having endless fun was intriguing and if she was going to be moving round the globe with him she had a chance of seeing her brother again. Cora took his had and shook it "Deal!" She proclaimed not knowing what she actually just signed herself up for.

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