𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑇𝑜𝑑𝑎𝑦

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Y/N Pov:
"hey guys!" teruhashi said grabbing my attention

"hey teruhashi" i said glancing at her

"are you and saiki on a date?" teruhashi said

"no-we were just hanging out" i said as my face started to heat up

Saiki K Pov:

"no-we were just hanging out" y/n said as her face started to heat up

'i knew it!' teruhashi said in her inner thoughts

"can i join you guys?" teruhashi asked as y/n nodded

'isnt that teruhashi's creepy brother?'i said looking at him

'wheres kokomi!?' makoto/teruhashi's brother said in his head

'she's right here come and get her already' i said in my head

'ugh makoto is here' teruhashi said in her inner thoughts

Y/n Pov:

"so y/n..are you and saiki dating?" teruhashi said while looking at me

"uh-no we arent hehe" i said giving her a awkward smile

"kokomi!" i hear from someone behind me i turned to see someone familiar

"don't hang out with these people,lets go" someone said i think is teruhashi's brother

"i have to go,bye y/n bye saiki~" teruhashi said walking off with her brother i guess?

saiki k pov:

'ugh i wanted to stay and wait for y/n to leave me and saiki alone' teruhashi thought while walking off with her brother

"uhm saiki?" y/n said
"yea?" i said looking at her
"was that teruhashi's brother or something?" she said while tilting her head

'cute..wait-what am i thinking?' i said in my head

'did i just stutter?!'

y/n pov:

"y-yea" saiki said stuttering

'did he just stutter-!?' i thought
"oh ok" i said trying to figure out why he stuttered

a voice snapped me out of my thoughts
it was saiki's voice

"its getting late..lets go home" saiki said
"oh yea-sure!" i said standing up and getting my stuff

saiki did the same

we walked out of the cafe our hands slightly brushing

which made my face heat up slightly

i look over to saiki with a slight blush on his cheeks

saiki k pov:

we walked out of the cafe our hands slightly brushing

which made a blush crept to my face

i look over to y/n who's face slightly heated up

then a idea popped in my head

"hey y/n?" i said "yea saiki?" y/n said looking at me "can i ask you a favor?" i said "sure whats up?" y/n said looking curiously "can you be my fake girlfriend?" i said as y/n froze

y/n pov:

"can you be my fake girlfriend?" saiki said as i froze

"i-what!?!" i said whisper-shouting

"i need help on getting rid of teruhashi"

"what-does she like you or sumn" i said as saiki looked at me seriously

"no way..FOR REAL??" i said shocked because i thought teruhashi has high standards

"yea..will you help me?" saiki said

'y/n say no..' i thought
"ofcourse!" i said

'noooo what did i just do' i said in my thoughts

"but what do i get out of this?" i said

"i'll do whatever you want" saiki said

"great!then its a deal saiki!" i said excited to do this deal

"starting from today your my fake girlfriend" saiki said putting his left hand up for a handshake

"starting from today your my fake boyfriend" i said putting my right hand up and shaking saiki's hand

'what did i just get myself into ;-;'

(a/n-i need ideas for the next chapter ;-;)

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 | 𝗄𝗎𝗌𝗎𝗈 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝗄𝗂Where stories live. Discover now