So, This Is The Life of A Princess?

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"Alright, Your Highness. Today, we will learn about the Military System of Obelia Empire." Said Frank Dubois, the teacher of State Affairs and International Relations.

Bella straightened. The material she had been waiting for had finally come out. To achieve her goal as Sword of Obelia, isn't that means Bella have to know the intricacies of the military system?

"The Obelia region is divided into four sections, do you know what are those and who are the one assigned to lead them?"

"The four regions are the Central, North, Southeast and Southwest regions." Bella answered. "The Central Region is ruled directly by the Emperor, the Northern region is ruled by the Eirlys Dukedom, the southeast region is ruled by the Irain Marquessate, while the Southwest region is ruled by the Robain Dukedom."

It was the basic thing that Bella learned the first time she searched for information about the world she suddenly lived in. The unique division of areas and the one who rule in each area.

"Very good, Your Highness." Mr Dubois nodded in satisfaction. "Now, along with the divided regions, the Obelia's Military is also divided into four divisions for each region. The first division, commonly known as the Knights of Sorell, is stationed in the Central area. Do you know who the commander of the First Division is?"

"Initially, Felix Robain held the position. But then he resigned and now Matteo Clark is in the charge of the First Division."

That's right, readers. Felix Robain, who we know as a cute knight who always loses to Athanasia's charms, used to be a Commander of one of the Obelia military divisions. Isn't the news surprising? Bella even dropped her jaw when she heard that from Leo.

'Welp, and now that person is just a babysitter for a six-years-old girl.'

A waste of talent, that Felix.

"You're right," Mr Dubois nodded again. "After that, the Second Division, also known as the Knights of Fenella, was stationed in the North. The Third Division, otherwise known as the Knights of Chalten, was stationed in the Southwest. And the Fourth division, the Knights of Devoss, was stationed in the Southeast.

"Now, I would like to know what do you think is the reason behind this division."

Bella, who had been thinking about this since the first time she heard it, answered directly without a break.

"Isn't it because the conditions of each region are so different from one another?" Bella started. "The Central Region is a plain full of residential areas, considering that is where the capital city of Obelia is located. The Southeast Region is on the coast facing the Tara Sea. The Southwest Region is mostly in the rugged Xavera mountains. While the North is always covered in snow for less or more than six months of the year."

Mr. Dubois smiled and nodded once more. “Each Region has such different conditions, that it would be difficult for soldiers to adapt quickly if they were trained in the same way.

"Those who are trained to fight in the rugged mountainous of Xavera, will be in trouble if they have to fight in the Tara Sea which is famous for its big waves. That includes the other Knights as well."

Then, Mr. Dubois explained about each area of Obelia, followed by the history of how the four military divisions were formed. That day, Bella began to have an idea of how she would manage Obelia's military in the future.

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