Chapter 1

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The sun shines though the wholes of your make shift hut you open your eyes and groan,you try to close them again but then your door burst open you know exactly who it is "morning love" newt says staying in the door Way "do you have to wake me up every morning newt" you ask as you sit up in your bed he looks at you "well the last time I didn't alby had to literally drag you out of bed"he says making his way towards you, you roll your eyes at the boy he sits down next to you on the bed you lean your head on his shoulder "do I atleast have time for a shower" you say yawning newt stokes your head "umm You have about 15 minutes till breakfast" he said he feels you nod your head, you hop off the bed and see your clothes hanging over your wooden chair you look at newt "thank you for putting my clothes out again"you say walking backwards "mhm what would you do without me" he exclaims,you smile at him and push the door of your hut open with your heel you turn around and close the door you take a moment and then pull a deep breath you love the smell of the glade early in the morning and the quite,you walk off to the showers and undress yourself before stepping into the cold water.

You walk back around to your hut and put your sleep clothes away you push the door open you get changed into some fresh clothes  you go to put your shoes on but you remember they broke "er whatever" you Mumble and you walk out the door you look around the glade for newt you see him sitting at a table with some other guys you smile and run over to the the table sitting next to newt he always saved you a spot next to him "morning you guys" you say "morning y/n" chuck says sitting next to you you smile at him "where were you y/n" gally asks bluntly you go to answer but you are cut off by another voice speaking up "ha gally can't you tell she was in the showers look at her she's all wet" he says winking at you,you feel very uncomfortable and newt spots it and changes the topic of conversation "so dose anyone know what's for breakfast" he says truing his head back to you you mouth "thank you" and smile sadly at him,he looks up as he rubs your back for a while "no I don't but it will probably just be basic cause it's greenie day and we have the fire tonight so fry will probably be focussing on that" chuck says you look at him and put your arm around his shoulder "you know what you are totally right I completely forgot it was greenie day thanks for reminding me" you say loveinly chuck looks up at you with a huge smile on his face,you see mihno running towards the table he leans on the end of it "guys fry said it's ready" he says slightly panting you all get up and race over to get first in line you make it there before newt because of his limp you see him go a couple of people behind you,you poke your head out of the line and grab his hand and bring him in front of you "HAY Y/N THATS NOT FAIR" gally yells from behind you "SLIM IT GALLY" you shout back as newts walks to get his food,you walk Up to fry "hay fry" you say smiling at him "morning y/n not even late yet and your already starting shit" fry says as you both laugh "Ye well you know me" you say as fry hands you your plate of food "thanks fry" you say as you plant a kiss on his cheek and walk away,you walk over to newt who is already eating now you and newt don't really talk at breakfast because you are both stuffing your faces so you don't talk.

You guys are finished eating your food so you walk over to wash your plates,you splash the dirty soapy water into newts face,he gasps "KLUNK Y/N" he shouts he starts to splash you but you drop your plate in the water "HAY I JUST SHOWERD" you yell as your running away "YOU STARTED IT"he yells back he drops his plate in the water and runs up to you tackling you to the ground you both laugh as you push him off you, you are talking when you see alby walking over to you "hay alby" you say happily "morning nice to see you 2 are having a good day,but y/n what job is it today" he askes you, you look up at him "it's gardening today" say newt is looking at you confused "alright" alby said walking off "what dose he mean" newt askes "oh well alby asked me to work med-jack as well because apparently I'm the most gentle" you say walking with newt "hm is that going to be stressful" he asks sounding  worried  you hold his hand after hearing the worry in his voice "I'll be fine newt now let's go"you say kissing his cheek

You guys are still working and it's just before lunch you shovel a pile of dirt and look at newt "hay newt what do you think the new greenie will be like" you ask leaning on your shovel he chuckles "how am I supposed to know that y/n" he says as he wipes sweat from his head you roll your eyes newt looks up to you "now be helpful and go get us some fertiliser" he says throwing a bucket with a small shovel in it you "r fine whatever" you say walking away you head into the forest and past the deadheads,you are singing to yourself when you hear a twig snap under someone's foot you look around "hello" you say but you can't see anyone "ok newt ahah very funny" you say spinning around slowly you start to get scared "newt it's not funny ok" you say you turn around and see Ben you jump "oh god Ben you scared me"you say but as you get a better look at him he looks really weird "Ben" you say while you slowy back up he looks at you in the eyes and starts to chase you you drop the bucket at start to run though the forest you look back and see he's gaining on you "HELP" you scream "SHIT SOMEONE HELP ME" you are crying and screaming as you get back to the glade but Ben tackles you to the ground his weight on top of you, you squirm to try and get away,newt sees and grabs his shovel and runs over to hit Ben in the face with it he falls to the floor tears running down your face newt picks you up from the ground and holds you in a tight embrace "shhh it's ok it's ok I've got you" he says stroking your hair you Burrie your head into his shoulder and cry he kisses your head and is still holing you as he looks back at gally,Minho,chuck and alby.

you are sitting in your hut with your head in your hands still crying a bit when newt comes though the door "hay love" he says calmly as he walks over to you but you keep your head in your hands feeling embarrassed, he sits next to you and holds you close to him "we are banishing Ben now" he whispers in your ear you look up at him "I'm sorry newt" you say as you start to cry again "hay hay" he says wiping the tears away from your face "it's not your fault" he holds you tighter "do you guys know what happened" you ask looking at him "he was stung" he says with an expression you can't quite read "in the middle of the day that makes no sense" you say shaking your head "Ye I know,are you gonna come" he asks you look up at him "I don't think I can I'm sorry" you say looking away from him he holds your chin and turns your face to look at him "it's ok y/n I'll come see you when it's done ok" he says kissing your head you nod and smile as he walks out of the hut.

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