Chapter 18

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"Where have you been? Its sun down and I have not seen you all day!" Nero asked as Akira walked into their cabin.

"I was hunting in the woods" she lied.

Nero gave her a furious look before going to the window and watching two women putting away the remaining pots from the evening meal before retiring to their homes for the night.

The crescent moon created an ominous glow over the camp and he looked up at the shining beacon with a menacing expression.

"You were not in the woods" he confirmed slowly.

His low tone and tense shoulders gave Akira cause for concern as she paused her approach to the bedroom and thought frantically about her reply.

"I followed you to the barn but couldn't get in" he continued without turning to face his deceitful mate.

Images of her afternoon in Celina's embrace raced around her head as a cold sweat began to form on her brow,

"I went to give her water then went to hunt" she stammered.

Nero swung round and faced his trembling wife with venom streaming from his eyes.

"I did not see water but I saw a lot more" he growled and started to slowly advance on her.

Akira frantically looked around for an available exit but Nero's large frame was blocking her only route to the door,

"This is why you will not bear me a son?" He angrily questioned.

Akira backed away, slowly moving towards the bedroom door,

"I have been trying! I swear, my love!" She tried.

Nero shook his head and launched towards his wife,

"My love? There is no love here anymore!" He yelled, foaming from the mouth.

Anticipating his reaction, Akira quickly ran through the bedroom door and tried to slam it shut but it wouldn't close.

"Wait until the rest of the pack here of you and her" He threatened as he pushed his foot further into the gap of the door and flung it open with force.

Akira flew back, tumbling backwards, landing in a heap on the floor,

"No! Nero! Please!" She screamed as he propelled at her on the floor.

Akira scurried to the corner of the room and held her head in her knees waiting for the consequences of her afternoon with Celina.

She closed her eyes as her heart started beating out of her chest as she waited for the inevitable to happen.

"I'm sorry, Nero!" Akira cried as a gush of fresh air brushed passed her body.

Sounds of his clunky boots racing across the floor stopped and his abusive rants disappeared into the eerily silent evening air as Akira reluctantly opened one eye at a time to see the new arrival to the room.

"Akira! Look up!" A voice whispered.

It was Celina and Akira couldn't be happier to see her hopeful face.

"We must go now, my love before he unfreezes" she whispered and helped Akira to get feet.

"Unfreezes? What do you mean?" She questioned as she stood up and stopped in shock.

Looking at her husband froze in action she gawped in awe as they negotiated their way around his still, imposing frame and hastily headed out of the room.

Akira kept looking back at the miracle of her frozen husband, unable to comprehend her luck.

Unfazed by the magic, Celina continued to execute their escape and pulled her friend to the cabin door.

"Wait! We cannot leave! They will see us!" Akira gasped and pulled Celina back in fear.

Celina smiled and guided her petrified friend to the window,

"Look!" She said and pointed to the rooftops of the cabins.

"What did you do?" Akira nervously smiled as she gawped at the shimmering blue light streaming down into each cabin.

Like a sprinkle of rainfall, a blue glittery hue hovered over the cabins, streaming a silvery blue light into each one as an eerie sombre silence filled the site,

"They won't wake until sun up but he will unfreeze soon so we need to go now!" She explained and grabbed her baffled friend's hand.

She pulled Akira towards the exit before she stopped and loosened her hand from her eager friend's,

"We can't go without my bags" she remembered and ran to the corner of the room to the hidden money.

She quickly removed the floorboard and took out the sack of riches before putting everything back in its place and thought about what else was needed for their escape,

"Come on, Akira! We are running out of time!" Celina begged.

Akira nodded and frantically pulled the frayed tie around the sack and threw it over her back.

A tear formed at the side of the thin fabric and coins started to fall out,

"Leave them!" Celina continued but Akira refused.

"I need to get the bag of clothes and food too" she remembered and desperately shoved the coins back in the bag, tying it more securely.

Celina looked around nervously and gave a heavy sigh,

"Where is it?" She panicked.

Akira pointed to the bedroom,

"It's under a floorboard under the bed" she panted and looked around for more supplies,

"I'll get it!" Celina sighed and ran into the bedroom.

Akira filled a large flask with water and stopped for a moment to look at the eerily quiet camp.

She smiled at the thought of her future with Celina and ideas of their new life filled her with hope and longing as she glanced around the camp site for the last time before going back inside to see what was taking Celina so long.

"Celina, did you find it?" She shouted into the quiet cabin.

There was no reply.

"Celina?" Akira continued.

Her hopeful smile began to falter and she slowly advanced upon the bedroom door with trepidation.

The door was closed tightly and a feeling of foreboding wiped away all of Akira's excited hopes for her future plans with Celina.

"Celina?" She whispered before pushing the door open carefully.

"Surprise" a gravelly voice sounded from behind the divide.

It was Nero and he was no longer frozen...


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The 7 Deadly Sins - Lust (Book 1 of The 7 Deadly Sins Short Stories Series)Where stories live. Discover now