Chapter 10: Modus Operandi

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     After a few hours of the team working on the latest update of the Unsub's profile, Aaron gathered the team and the Wyoming police force. The seven of you stood in front of the evidence board in the main area where all of the officer's desks were. Calling attention to yourselves, you were finally ready to present the profile.

     "Everyone, gather around," the police chief called to his officers.

     "What we've gathered from these Unsubs' M.O., crime scene, and victimology is a general physical description and a detailed psychological description of each of them." Aaron introduced.

     "Our dominant Unsub is a white male in his mid to late forties," Derek added before one cop cut him off.

     "So your psycho-bull tells us that he's in his forties. That's such a vague description. Why aren't we out on the streets actually looking for this guy instead of sitting in here theorizing what his favorite colour is?" He taunted your team.

     You looked around the room and waited to add in your two cents. "Because this information helps us narrow down where he is and who his next target may be. We would have a higher chance of catching him before he kills another woman and even catches him in the act."

     "Okay, then if you are right about your theories," he insisted. "Prove it."

     "You have faint lines of purple marker on your right hand but your gun is on your left side, which means you have a toddler at home who's just been allowed to use a marker instead of crayons. You play with your wedding ring when you're on the phone with presumably your wife because the more you touch your wedding ring the closer you feel physically to her. You hold onto your holster when you talk to civilians to remind yourself that you are more powerful and have the responsibility of keeping said civilians safe. Should I go on or do you understand my point?" You spouted.

     The officer quiets down and looks around the room. He knew he just got profiled, which would make almost anyone who wasn't a psychopath uncomfortable. The team carried on with their profile, tension keeping to its initial height ever since you profiled someone who was supposed to be your equal when working the case.

     Afterward, the team returned to the conference room to go over more information that could potentially give away who this man is. This case was one that hit close to home and you knew what was coming from the team.

     "These Unsubs have a type; blonde haired, petite female joggers," Morgan remarked.

     "All taken off the side of the road," Rossi added.

     Reid, Rossi, and Morgan all looked toward you. You glanced over at Emily, hoping they weren't suggesting what you thought they were right now. She looked back at you, as you pushed your shoulders back and then redirected her attention to the team again.

     "We can send a UC for this one." Aaron insisted.

     "Hotch, you know that it's the best choice to send her out. Harbour jogs regularly and fits the victimology to a T. '' Morgan queried. "You know it's what we have to do."

     "We have no way of knowing that she'll make it out alive." Aaron protested again.

     "We can put trackers on the inside of her clothes." Rossi debated.

     "What do you say Harbour?" Morgan asked you as you stared back at Aaron.

     Your eyes wandered the room as you internally trembled. You knew it was something you had to do, it was the only way you could figure out how to get this guy. You have always been willing to risk your life to catch a monster, so what made this time any different?

     "I'll do it." You said, reaching for Aaron's hand.


     You didn't have to buy any extra clothes because you had some of your everyday jogging clothes with you already packed. You went back to the hotel to shower and mentally prepare for the day you had ahead of you. One way or another, you were going to catch this Unsub.

     The team all headed back with you, going off to get a good night's sleep. They all knew the day that was ahead and the danger that was waiting for you the next morning. Your anxiety about the whole thing kept you up late and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't fall asleep.

     In bed with Aaron, the two of you lay curled up together. You hadn't talked about the elephant in the room, and you knew you needed to. His head rested against the back of yours and your bodies pushed up against one another. With one swift motion, you leaned over to the lamp and flicked it on. You leaned your back up against the headboard and waited for Aaron to wake up.

     His eyes shot open and he vigorously rubbed them with his hands. "W- what are you doing, Abigail?"

     "I know I have to do this, but I'm scared." You blurted out.

     Aaron sat up against the headboard as well. "Abigail, if you don't want to you-"

     "It's not a matter of whether I want to do this or not. It's not even about proving that I can do it. I just know that this has to be done in order to catch the Unsubs." You rambled as your voice shook. "I don't want you to lose anyone else."

     "This isn't about me. Of course, I don't want to lose you, but I would never want you to sacrifice who you are and make choices in your career, in your life, that would leave you with regrets. I'm terrified, every minute of every day that I might lose you. But I have to have faith that you can handle anything that comes at you."

     "So you want me to go?"

     Aaron cupped his hand onto the side of your face as he leaned in closer. "I wouldn't say I want you to go. I want nothing more than to find a different way to catch these criminals. What I am saying is that if this is something that you feel that you need to do, then I'm behind you. I always will be."

     You huddled close to Aaron and leaned up against him. You caressed the side of his face with the edge of your hand and gave him a short kiss. You both slid down to where your head was hitting the pillow and he pulled you in so your bodies were interlocking. You folded your leg over him as he used his free hand to put it onto your head. He ran his fingers through your scalp slowly, comforting you until you fell asleep.

     As the alarm on your phone went off, your body went into panic mode. You gripped the sheets as you sat up and tried to calm yourself down. Get it together, you're a federal agent. You rushed over to your go bag and picked out your black Nike running shorts, the matching white dry-fit tank, your sports bra, and your pair of white running shoes.

     You got yourself dressed and were halfway out of the hotel room before you noticed Aaron just getting out of bed. You walked back toward the bed and slid your body in-between his knees. You leaned up against him, as he brought your face down to his.

     "I love you, Abigail. I want you to know that whatever you decide to do today will never change that." He mumbled in his raspy morning voice.

     With your face between his hands, you tried to crack a smile. "I love you."

     You leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You didn't know if this would be the last time you would see him, so it made your kiss linger. Before you could get further, you backed away.

     "See you at the station?" You called from the doorway after putting on a sweater.

     You didn't even wait for a response before letting the door slam behind you. I'm ready.

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