Chapter 21: Asking For Help

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     "As you all already know, I've been getting multiple calls from an unknown number for the past two months. They were consistently coming in day and night about four times a day." You said nervously as you stood in front of the team. "I thought that if I ignored the calls that the person who was calling would just give up. But he didn't, and this morning he revealed that he had been inside of my house. I noticed a few of my panties had been swiped but refused to acknowledge the severity of the situation."

     The team all stared at you sympathetically. You glanced over at Aaron, and he nodded.

     "I don't know who this man is or what he wants, but it's come to the point where he revealed that he's serious about his threats. I'm scared, and I can't figure this out on my own. What I'm asking is that you, as my team and my family, help me before it's too late."

     "Anything, Harbour. We're right there with you." Derek affirmed.

     "Okay, you need to tell us everything he's said to you so far." Emily stated.

     "All of the calls before the one this morning have been hang ups or heavy breathing. But this morning he..."

     Aaron placed his hand on your lower back and nodded at you. "It's okay, you can tell us."

     You wiped your eyes with your sleeve, bracing yourself for what you we're about to tell them. "He knows who you all are, your family's, your addresses. Please help me."

     They all looked at each other and brought their attention to the case files Aaron had sitting on the table.

     "I have a file for each of you, everything must stay on paper and not on any sort of system. Incase of a breach of security, we will be doing everything in this case without the help of paperless devices." Aaron said, handing each of the team a folder.

     "So this Unsub has the time to stalk Abby, which means he is either physically following her or he has gained access to the FBI's database." Derek assumed.

     Emily looked down and flipped through the file. "We have to treat this Unsub as if he is a threat to the entire team."

     "An attack on one of us, is an attack on all of us." Rossi stated.

     "Did anyone tell JJ? We have to protect Will and the boys." Penelope asked.

     "We're conferencing her in now,"

     "Okay, so how do we establish a motive if we don't know how to find how the Unsub targeted Abby?" Derek asked.

     "Between National Security, the IRT and the BAU, it's difficult to say. Assuming he's operating digitally, it could be any of three. But if he's not, then it would most likely be with the BAU." You replied, tracing the tile grout with your eyes.

     "I called in some reinforcements," Aaron said, glancing over at you and anticipating your reaction.

     At that moment, you heard footsteps approaching. Your eyes shot to the door facing the round table, and you saw a familiar face. You perked up and immediately felt a mixture of shame and excitement took you over.

     "Jack," you greeted with a slight grin on your face.

     You hugged him, and the team exchanged pleasantries. You didn't know whether to be upset with Aaron for bringing the IRT into this, or if you were relieved to have more people who care about you in on this.

     "So, let's get this started." He stated. "Abby, what do we have on the Unsub so far? Hotch briefed me on the situation over the phone, but I want to hear everything that he said."

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