Chapter 26

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Ellie's POV:

I watched her through the window. The way the sun hit her, painting her with an ethereal glow. She was absolutely beautiful. I watched the way Sally approached her, standing a little too close for my liking, my grip tightened around the mug I was holding, knuckles turning white. Back away, she's mine. She said something to y/n, y/n responded and then they both laughed quietly. Y/n seemed a little guarded, unsure of herself. I could tell she didn't want to be there, she was only doing it for me. I appreciated that, and I would reward her later for her efforts.

I would usually never get involved with a patient, especially one who was half my age, but from the minute I laid eyes on her I knew she was something special. There's a strict line between professional and personal relationships and I had crossed the line, I was so far over the line that I couldn't even see the line anymore, and there was no going back; not that I wanted too. But if anyone ever found out..

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Reader's POV:

"Don't look so nervous, you'll be fine. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or just want to leave, let me know ok?" Cordelia had pulled me to the side before the session began, her demeanour warm and friendly which eased some of the tension I was feeling.

Scanning the rest of the girls as they seated themselves in a circle, I forced a smile. "I'll be fine." I reassured her before joining the group, taking a seat beside Audrey who offered me a tight lipped smile.

"I don't see the point in group therapy, a rather tedious affair if you ask me. Why would I want to share my problems with a bunch of people I barely know?" She spoke, making conversation. It was the first time since being here that she'd spoken to me directly, and I was slightly thrown off by her strong British accent; the way she articulated every pronunciation of her words fascinated me.

"So we have something to bond over." I joked which in turn made Audrey chuckle.

It was a rather hot day, the sun was beaming down hard. The pool, a crystallised sparkling blue glistened underneath the warm rays of sunshine. The weather automatically put everyone in a more positive and approachable mood, everyone except Wilhemina, who seemed to have a permanent scowl carved into her forehead and a rather unfriendly expression painting her delicate features. She was seated directly across from me and as she stared into my soul I presented her with a friendly smile. I wasn't 100% certain but I think she almost mustered a strained smile in return before directing her gaze elsewhere.

"Right guys, shall we get started?" Cordelia spoke up, claiming everybody's attention as the quiet chatter died down. She began by explaining the importance and beneficial factors of group therapy which I'm pretty was just for my sake. She also explained how this was a safe space and anything that was said strictly stayed within the walls of the rehabilitation centre. This was then followed by everyone introducing themselves and the reasons why they were here, which again was just for my benefit seen as everyone else already knew each other pretty well.

All eyes were now trained intently on me as they patiently waited for my introduction. I felt as though I was at some AA meeting, feeling slightly exposed under everyone's penetrating stare. "I'm y/n.." I chuckled nervously keeping my gaze focused on my lap. "And I'm here because.. I tried to kill myself but unfortunately as you can tell it didn't quite work.. so if you have any tips for next time I'd love to hear them." Of course I used humour as my defence mechanism and whilst the majority of the girls harboured a slightly shocked expression, unsure on whether to laugh or be concerned, Sally however found my comment rather amusing and she chuckled quietly beside me.

Before anyone could offer a response to my remark, Cordelia chose to move the session along. No doubt she would have to inform Ellie about my comment, I was totally looking forward to that conversation. In a matter of seconds Cordelia had swiftly diverted the discussion elsewhere.

The session didn't last that long but I did understand the importance of going, I did feel as though I knew everyone a little bit better now.

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Ellie's POV:

As the group returned, everyone went their separate ways and I discreetly pulled y/n to the side. "Go wait for me in my office, please." I requested, my hand lightly grazing hers and offering a gentle squeeze. But then I was forced to pull away when Cordelia approached.

"Will you be staying here tonight, Dr Staple?" She asked.

I glanced briefly down at y/n, hope twinkling in her dark eyes, a soft smile tugging at her pink tinted lips. "Yes, I have some paperwork to do." I replied.

Cordelia offered a small nod of her head before drifting away. Y/n turned to me, the hope in her eyes turned playful, her voice was hushed when she spoke. "Paperwork? So that's what I am now?" I didn't have chance to respond before she turned the corner towards my office.

I went to go find Cordelia in the kitchen to get an update on y/n's first group therapy session even though I'd watched the entire thing through the kitchen window, I couldn't quite hear what was said. "How was y/n?" I asked the blonde.

Cordelia gave a thoughtful nod before responding. "Ok.. although I do have some concerns." Failing to elaborate, I pushed her.

"What concerns?"

She hesitated for a moment, glancing around to make sure no one was caught eavesdropping. "She tends to use dark humour as a coping strategy. When she was introducing herself to the group she also told them about trying to take her own life and finished by asking the group for any tips for next time.. it was difficult to tell if she was joking or not, on the outside it appeared to be a joke, maybe to help deflect the anxiety she was feeling.. but on the inside I'm not so sure it was a joke, I'd keep a close eye on her if I were you."

My heart sank slightly as I took it all in. "Right.. ok, thank you." I turned to leave but then quickly stopped in my tracks. "Another thing.. uhm, I'd appreciate it if you kept Sally away from y/n. Sally can be somewhat.. influential, and not in a good way, I don't want her leading y/n down the same self destructive path she chose to embark on. Let's not forget what happened to Addison."

"Ellie, I can keep an eye on them but keeping them apart is going to be near impossible.. and that wasn't really Sally's fault.."

"Let's not forget who pays your wages, Cordelia." I interrupted, a hidden threat behind my words. I immediately felt a hint of guilt when I saw the slightly worried expression the blonde woman held on her face. She was one of the best therapists I'd ever had, but I would do anything to keep y/n from being corrupted by the likes of Sally McKenna.

Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in like a week, been super busy with work and now I'm not very well so.. I have no idea what this chapter is but I really wanted to get something out for you guys, anyway let me know your thoughts!
~T ~

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