Chapter 19

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Reader's POV:

You had been awake long enough to hear most of the conversation between Sally and Ellie, slowly rousing from your slumber once the older woman had vacated the room, closing the door softly behind her. It took you a moment to depict Sally's familiar, raspy voice as she exchanged hushed whispers with Ellie. Still being half asleep, you strained your ears to listen. They were talking about you, which didn't come as a surprise considering recent events. From what Ellie was saying, it sounded as though she was warning Sally off you.

"So that's how it is.. you want her all to yourself. You're jealous?" Sally's voice was taunting, accusatory and laced with amusement.

Lightly nibbling on your lower lip, you thought about what Sally had said, momentarily distracted from their conversation. Could Ellie really be jealous? That question had already crossed your mind when Ellie had hauled you into her office, treating you like you were some reckless teenager. Some of the things she said, the way she acted, the way she handled the situation, they were all signs of jealousy. Anyone else would have given you and Sally a stern talking to and be done with it. But not Ellie, she seemed genuinely upset and hurt by your actions, and even though Sally had been caught in the same compromising position, it was only you that was sent to her office. You were the one she comforted when you got upset, and you were the one she had fallen asleep with.

"You want to fuck her? Is that what you think about at night whilst you're alone in bed. You think about fucking her?" You blushed slightly at Sally's words, claiming your attention again as you practically burnt holes through the door with your intense stare. You eagerly awaited Ellie's response, but seconds slowly dragged by without a single word from the older woman. Why wasn't she saying anything?

Footsteps retreated away from the door, and for a moment you thought they'd both gone, but then a husky voice broke the silence. "I see you're not denying it."

Sally was right, Ellie hadn't denied the accusations the younger woman was throwing her, she hadn't said anything, which got you wondering. Was there a hidden truth behind Sally's words?

♡ ♡ ♡

You'd fallen back asleep once Sally and Ellie had disappeared, now waking with a dreadful headache and a nauseous feeling in the pit of your stomach. The conversation between Sally and Ellie playing on your mind, well just the parts you heard, and then you'd remembered something which you'd clearly pushed to the back of your mind, trying so hard to forget until now, you had tried to kiss Ellie in your drunken state. You hoped and prayed that you dreamt it, but it was too clear to just be a figment of your unconscious imagination.

"Shit," you mumbled, hands covering your face in embarrassment even though no one was around to witness your cheeks turn a deep shade of red. That was until your bedroom door was pushed open, revealing Ellie carrying a glass of water and some pills.

"You're awake," she stated, a warm smile gracing her features as she placed the water and pills on your bedside table. "Thought you might need these, how're you feeling?" She asked, perching on the edge of the bed. You shifted slightly, making room for her as you forced yourself into a sitting position, grimacing a little when you felt the pounding in your head increase.

"Peachy," you muttered clearly being sarcastic, mouth twitching into a half smirk. Picking up the glass of water, noticing how shaky your hand was, you hesitantly placed the pills into your mouth before forcing them down with a large gulp of water, face scrunching up in disgust. "Thank you," you whispered, swiping the back of your hand over your lips to get rid of the remaining tiny droplets of water.

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