Diana aged 17: July 1914

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It had been a long year. Tom, John, Kitty, Ada and Freddie had all pulled through it as best friends. After what had happened that one morning so long ago, we hadn't spoken about the confession, we just kept on as we were. Every so often, John would attempt to introduce a new girlfriend to the group but nothing ever came of the bonds between us or the relationship so, they just left. It had been a hot summer's day at the tailor shop and Ada had come to work for free with nothing to do now that she was out of school. Tom and Art mainly kept to the betting shop as did Pol but John had "special business" which was usually kicking the shit out of someone. We walk into the garrison, where Harry is swamped with work. I step behind the counter and begin helping him fill up pints. He looks at me nervously and gratefully. I slip on an apron and fill up pints for the whole of the bar and then slip off the apron again. Harry beams me a yellowed smile, "You know.. If you're ever out of work you're welcome here." I nod gratefully at Harry's kind words. Unlikely though, I wouldn't like to have my wage paid by my friend. I walk into the private lounge to see John smoking. His girlfriend sits prettily beside him. She was new but very cute. I go to speak but I'm interrupted by her. She notices he's smoking and pulls the cig out of his mouth, stubbing it out in the glass ashtray. "That's a filthy habit." She says before downing his last bit of gin. He sends her a lopsided grin. 

I smile at her, "You. You're fun. I like you." She blushes, obviously not used to compliments. Tom smokes still, puffing out the smoke in large O's and sending them my way. His face is sad, as is Arthur and John. "Ew, what's wrong with you all?"

"There's a war on, Di." says Arthur

"So? It's nothing to do with us. If other people want to go kill themselves for some dead diplomat, be my guest." I say uncaringly.

"Who keeps taking her to those communist meetings?" Sighs John.

Freddie raises his hand. I shrug. "It's something to do that isn't drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and sex."

The table goes very quiet, "Calm down. I'm a fucking virgin." I say rolling my eyes. Everyone exhales and laughs quickly. Ada comes into the parlour holding a G&T for herself and Jayden. Tom and I pick up the cups and down half of it. "Hey!" exclaim Ada and Jay.

"Thank you so much for the drink." I smile, "Next time don't buy alcohol when you're 15 thank you very much."

Jayden scowls, "You were 14 and-"

"And now I'm 16 and paying for your things, 'thank you kindly dear cousin. For I would not have survived without you.' are your next words." I say melodramatically.

They smile at me, contempt, and sit next to Arthur, chattering away. "You lots should come to the next meeting," says Freddie, "We're trying to get younger people involved in the effort." Ada looks at him starry-eyed and almost opens her mouth to say yes.

 Before Tom speaks up, "Don't recruit my sister in front of me, Fred. It beats the whole point of I not knowing you've got a massive crush on her."

"You shouldn't do that T-" I warn

"You inviting Di to every single bloody thing beats the whole point of that too but no one's said anything." John puts his hand up meekly. "I invite Di to everything too." God bless John Shelby. I look over and see Ada's face is a flushed scarlet.

"Well you also invited Martha." interjects Arthur.

"That's because he does have a big fat crush on her, you dunce." Says Finn swaggering in

I scream hallelujahs in my head and praise God for the distraction. "Hey!" We all exclaim. I clip him round the ear. "Ow!" He yelps

"Don't call your brother a dunce. Now what'd you say?" I scold.

"Sorry I called you a Dunce, Arthur." We smile at his apology, "Polly's coming by the way."

"Auntie Polly." I correct as I pour out my drink. Everyone stubs out their cigarettes and pours out their drink too. "I saw that." she says to us all. We slouch and she begins speaking, "Family meeting."

Martha gets up but John pulls her back down. She gets up again, staring at him with a mean look. Polly looks between Jayden and I. "Sorry girls, Family family meeting." We're both a little shocked but we get out all the same and Finn blows a raspberry at us before closing the door so Jayden doesn't leap onto him. We wait for a bit before Martha looks back inside longingly. "So..." she says, "How long have you had a crush on Tom?"

"Fairly long time. I'd say. He actually confessed to her last year December but-" begins Jayden blabbering. 

I clamp my hand down on their mouth, "I wouldn't trust you with government secrets. And I don't like Tom like that."

"You're a liar." She says back, "You can't lie for shit Diana."

"I can lie. I just don't want to. Besides, he looks like he's set on going to war at the moment."

"But that was Arthur wasn't it?" says Martha

"Wherever Art goes Tom follows and wherever Tom goes John follows and eventually wherever John goes Finn will follow. It's just the way it's always been with this lousy lot." I say, sending a bittersweet smile their way.

She laughs a bit, "Tom's a bit young to go to war."

"Then again, Tom can lie better than Diana." says Jayden. Martha smiles and then frowns upon realising her sweetheart could lie better than me too.

"We'd look damn good in black." I say jokingly

"God you're so morbid Di." grins Martha.

I chuckle and rub my arms, shivering. I knock on the door. Finn opens it. "Done?" I questioned

He nods and lets us through. We retire to our seats and sit about for a while before deciding to go home. Mine and Jayden's apartment had gone slightly haywire and needed some cleaning. Ada came with us to keep us company and Martha went back to work for an extra shift. "How much money on Martha and John getting married soon." I joke. Jayden smirks at me. Ada's face lights up, "Martha is so pretty. John'd be lucky to keep a girl like her."

We both nod in agreement. The sluggish day turns into night and we all fall asleep on the beds. Twisting and turning before letting the sleep consume us.

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