How it's going....

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~~October 31st 2021~~

We stood in the living room of the only tiny house in Orson getting our costumes on. I know there's a pandemic still going on, but our family ALWAYS made a huge deal of Halloween (even if we were stuck at home last year). This year Orson was allowing trick or treating, but masks were required so I made masks that matched all our costumes.

You're probably wondering why I'm referring to a group of people instead of just Darrin and I. Well we have a son, DJ (or Darrin Junior), he's three now. And you're probably wondering what are we going as.

Our family's favorite cartoon of course! And come on

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Our family's favorite cartoon of course! And come on... Don't tell me you didn't see Velma and Shaggy ending up together! Oh... Well if you didn't then aren't they a perfect parallel for us.

Anyways we gathered up our supplies, plonked them down in DJ's little red wagon. (Mainly jackets and bottles of water the wagon is mainly for if DJ gets too tired to walk, and we want to get home fast.) I helped DJ with his mask and made sure we put on our own, and it was out into the streets of Orson we went.


Last house of the night, and we rang the bell DJ yelled, "Tick are tweet!"

Lexie opened the door and smiled. "Hi, guys! DJ you look so cool!"

"Scooby doody doo!" DJ exclaimed. "Give me candy!"

I bent down and gently let DJ know. "Honey, that's not polite. She will give you candy, but you need to be patient and say the magic word."

"Peeeeaaase?" DJ did his best sad eyes and Lexie dropped a few candies in his bag.

"You guys want to come in?" She asked. "Axl and the boys aren't back yet, but I'm sure they'd love to see you."

We sat on the couch while Lexie sat in a recliner and we chatted over some tea. Our families were quite good friends these days. Our son's even went to the same daycare.

Finally Axl and his boys came walking through the front door. After some happy greetings the boys and DJ played happily while us adults relaxed and had a wonderful time remembering all the craziness.

I'm Maxine McGrew and this is it. This is my life. I've come a long way from being that dorky little girl in love with my brother's best friend and now I'm in love with the best dude in the world.

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