chapter 2

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Alexandra pove

Waking up I look around my unfamiliar surroundings. I am laying on a couch in what appears to be an office with a window overlooking the city, there is bookshelves lining the walls of the room with a desk in front of the wall the couch i'm sitting on is facing and across from me is another couch with what appears to be a 15 year old girl wearing a black pantsuit with black gloves on that loock to be made of some type of expensive silk mixed with leather, she has silver white hair that was like mine but a few shades lighter, sunglasses covering her face a small small on her face and a dangerous aura surrounding her. In between us sits a coffee table with a vintage looking tea set on it.

“I see you've awakened” says the girl sitting across from me “ where am i ”  i ask getting defensive realizing i'm in an unfamiliar and possibly hostial setting and the girl across from me could be dangerous “ calm your selfe little one i mean you no harem i just want to talk to you and offer you a job that many would die for” she says warmly chuckling at the end.

I relax a little at this news but still keep my guard up knowing it could be a trap “as for where you are you are in my office for my business now can we talk i have some questions for you before i make my offer” she says looking at me waiting for my response “well then why ask away” i say waiting for her to ask “what do you know about what your parents do for a living” “nothing really they try to keep my away from whatever their business is” I respond after this she thinks for a few seconds

“Well would you like to know” she says in a serious voice looking at me as i think for a few seconds “yes” i say sihing “ well they are the italian mafia the number 1 mafia they owen hotels and restaurants as well” she says leaning back and drinking tea to give me time to process this information.

What am I supposed to think? I just learned I'm a mafia princess and that my parents were keeping it a secret from me. I cut my wrist thinking I was a monster for feeling blood lust and hear they are hiding the fact that they are a mafia, I mean sure they don't know about the blood lust or cutting but still this is a lote to take in.

“I know this may be a lote to take in however i need to tell you a bite more about the underground higharkey the underground is ruled by the white knights a group as old as the underworld itself created to rule the underworld the ruler of the whit nights or someone from their family must meet up with the government every month to try and keep peace between the underworld and governments because of this we also control a loot of the business world but we can get in that latter for now let me tell you about the higharkey” she says taking another sip of her tea.

“Now let me explain the hierarchy to you. At the top there is a king or queen, next thair is a prince or a princess then come the adviser after the adviser comes the knights, under the knights are the mafias” she says finishing off and raising her tea to her lips taking another sip before placing it down on the tea tray sitting on the table “if you have any questions now would be the time to ask” she finishes looking at me expectantly “who are you and why are you telling me this”  i ask confused

At my question and most likely expression she lets out a dark chuckle that if i'm being honest sort of scared me “I am Anastasia deluca you're older sister that was kidnaped, tho the business world knows me as Anastsa Whit when i was seven i was rescued by a man named john white who decided to adopt me and train me to become heir to the whit nights since he was diagnosed with cancer and didn't have any children he died last year and i have been known as the queen of the whit knights since”she says smiling softly at me.

“As for why im telling you this, i want you to become the princess of the white lights if you except i will arrange for you to spend a year with our grandfather in britain where i am currently residing so i can train you before you both move in with mom and dad whare i shall join you when i turn seventeen” she says becoming silent and drinking her tea giving me time to think over it.

“I except” i say gathering my computants “i will learn whatever you are willing to teach me and become the best i can” “well then i will be seeing you soon little sis there is a car waiting for you out front that Bruce butler waiting outside the door will take you too, also before i forget think about what type of business you would like to build during your training you will build your own company” she says standing up and walking over to her desk “goodbye little sister i would love to keep you hear longer but you've got to go home” she says with a hint of sadness in her voice “by big sis” i say before leaving.

Exiting the room I silently follow the butler Bruc thro the building down the stairs and to the front where he opens the back door of a completely white humvee, with completely black tinted windows. Sitting in the back of the humvee I take a signal look at the tall building that I just walked out of and smile before the door is closed and the car starts to drive. This is the start of a new chapter in my life.

After she left 3rd person pov

Anastisa looked out of her window sipping her tea thinking over what just happened. She saw her sister for the first time in years and expanded quite a bit of the underground to her and talked her into becoming her princes.

Smirking, she stands up and walks over to the phone she has sitting on her desk and picks up the phone to call someone she has not talked to in months but told her plain to when she had. Dialling the number she holds the phone and waits for the person on the other end to pick up. When the person on the other side pikes up she simply responds with “ hello grandmother it's time for my plane to begin” before hanging up. 

  This is it for now I will update again next Saturday.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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