You started crying because you knew jiyang had been right your dad slammed the door on you leaving you 2 alone in the car, you wiped your tears and jiyang suddenly got on top of you. He stripped your guy's bottom half and sat on your cock. He shoved your cock in him and bounced up and down on it. You moaned and so did he he kissed your neck hungrily making you almost reach your climax, you released so did he. He pulled out and got his bottom half dressed.
In the afternoon
Jiyang picked you up at the bridge and you guys played on a log doing funny dances, he took you to the dance practice room and he turned the music on. You guys got in position. You started dancing and he looked at you. You came out of the room-devider shirtless and you crawled over to jiyang getting on top of him you lifted his chin. Soon your "boyfriend" entered the room and you fake danced while jiyang tried to hide the fact yall did that he said "practicing again? With another whore?. Boss says your fired there's no use" jiyang rolled his eyes and your eyes widen, you got your shirt on and said "im not a whore.." jiyang spoke up saying"you heard him! Hes not a fucking whore. Now go no one gives a shit. " your" boyfriend" stormed away and you went over to him kissing him, he put you behind the room devider and removed your guys's clothes then 🔞🔞