Chapter 2:Was This All A Dream?

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After one whole long week of waiting I finally decided it was finally time to text him. So I did, it took me 10 trys till I decided to go with this " hey it's Lisa, the girl from the hockey game." I was hoping that it was good enough.

My cheeks turned very hot, this is when I noticed I was flushed. I ended up sitting there staring at my phone for about 10 minutes. My heart raced every time I got a text until I checked who it was, finding it was not him.

I tried to keep myself busy the whole day just so I wouldn't be looking at my phone. First I went down to the laundry room, put some in the washer,then I checked my phone, folded clothes, switched over the laundry, folded more clothes,checked my phone again, took the stuff out of the dryer, hung them up, and folded more clothes.

This had made me very anxious only because it had been two whole hours without a reply from him. I tried to go for a nap but couldn't fall asleep because I kept checking my phone for a reply from him. I ended up just getting out of bed and going for a shower, it felt amazing because I love the feeling of being fresh. I got changed and put on a horror movie because it was the only kind I really liked.

Halfway through the movie I heard my phone go off and it was him, finally him!!! He replied "hey Lisa! Sorry I took so long to reply I was at work. Oh and I don't think I ever told you my name! I'm Andrew by the way." Andrew. His name was Andrew. I had not only fallen in love with his looks and personality, but now also his name. I kept repeating his name over again in my head, till I realized I needed to reply!
"It's okay, sorry I took so long to message you! Anyway how are you?" I typed this as quickly as possible, then sent it only to find I sounded like a stalker!!! Why do I ruin things for myself?

I started banging my head on the wall, till I noticed my phone was ringing I was getting a call, without checking who it was I answered it.
"Hey Lisa, man it sounds good to hear your voice again! Haha"
Did he actually just say that to me?
"Haha it sounds amazing to hear your voice too!!"
"Hey you live in Ohio right?"
"Yea why?"
"Well, it just so happens I do too! Also um well I was wondering if you wanna maybe go see a movie some time?"
Did these words just come out of his mouth? Did the boy of my dreams actually ask me on a date? In real life?
"Um yes a thousand times yes! I mean yea sounds fun"
Craph I messed up! I sounded obsessed!!!
"Haha okay what's your address? I'll pick you up at 6pm Saturday night."
"Sounds great! My address is 63 Arlington street."
"Alrighty I'll see you Saturday!"

This is the most amazing thing that has happened to me in my life. I had scored a date this Saturday night, my first date ever! I layed there in bed for about ten minutes before finally getting up having the biggest smile on my face.

Was this all a dream? Or was this real life?

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