Chapter 4: The First Date

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I woke up on Saturday morning feeling like a complete mess. I didn't wanna get out of bed or anything, I just wanted to stay home and watch movies, that was until I realized today was my first date with Andrew! I checked the time only to find out it was 12 pm I had 6 hours to get ready before he was supposed to pick me up, this was not enough time. I jumped out of bed got into the shower and made sure I shaved my legs perfectly and that they were smooth as ever. When I got out I realized I took a whole hour in the shower so I raced around to get ready with 5 hours left to go.
"Sweetie, Andrew is here to pick you up, so get down here!"
"I'll be down in a minute!!"

"Hi, im here to pick up Lisa?"
"Oh. You must be Andrew! Come in, come in! I'll call Lisa down."
Wow. This house is small as hell.
"She'll be down in a minute."
"Okay thank you, by the way you have a lovely home"
"Oh why thank you! I'm gonna go finish cooking dinner, feel free to make yourself at home."
I nodded back at her, as I headed towards the living room, finding everything in there looked extremely expensive, and I was glad to see her dad wasn't in there so I took a seat. I was looking at all the pictures on the walls, seeing how lovely her family looked they seemed liked they loved each other more than I could ever even love a person. All of the pictures up you could tell they weren't ready for a picture to be taken, this made their family seem so different compared to others.
"Hey Andrew! I'm ready to go now."
Wow. This dress showed her curves and edges perfectly, I couldn't take my eyes off of her...
"Andrew? You alright?"
"Oh yea, sorry I was just taking in more of your beauty. Aha let's go."
I didn't bother saying anything to her mom and just pulled her right outside and into my car, but of course I held the door open so she could get in.
"Alright, you ready to see where I'm taking you?"
"Are you kidding?! I've waited all week!!"
Wow she seemed a little too excited, was this her first date with a guy?
I smiled and started to drive. The car ride was extremely silent and she didn't even seem to notice so I didn't say a word.
"Were here!"
"No way!! This is like my favourite restaurant!"
"It is? Wow I'm great at picking places."
Before I could get out to go open her door she was already out and walking to the doors. I jumped out quick, locked my car, and ran after her.

I hadn't realized how nervous I had been until we entered the doors of the restaurant. I had butterflies in my tummy, and I couldn't wait to go have a seat.
"Reservation for Lebrun, Andrew"
"Table for two? Right this way."
As we took our seats I realized I was hungry as ever but everything here was so expensive and I didn't want him to have to pay. He ordered us drinks while I flipped through the menu picking the cheapest thing I liked, except for the fact that it was still 9.50$, I have to admit I'm a very picky eater. We ordered our food and the wait was unbelievablely longer than I ever remember it being. Every time one of us made an effort to talk it was a very short conversation and I didn't know what to do, so I told him I was going to use the washroom.
I walked in and quickly called my friend Emily telling her everything that was happening.
"No way! Is it really that bad?!"
"it's worse than it sounds trust me. and oh boi I've been in here too long, quickly tell me what do I do?!"
"Well just flirt with him, get a little sexual you know? That will make him feel confident around you, and he may possibly kiss you by the end of the date."
"Are you sure? I mean do you think he wants me to act sexual?"
"What guy doesn't sweetheart? just start flirting extra hard and move closer to him, and maybe you know start making your hand move up his..."
"Don't you dare say what I think you're going to say!"
"come on sweetie, it won't hurt to just play around a little you know? just do it if you want that kiss you've been dying for all week long!"
I was in such a hurry to get back out there that I just hung up and decided to head back to my table.
I was so out of it and trying so hard to figure out how I was going to act when I had got back to my table, that was when I stumbled upon it all I could see was Andrew was liplocking with some whore!
Are you kidding me?! My life couldn't get any worse.
I stood there in frustration and anger, what made it worse was the fact that they didn't even to seem to notice I was there I then got to my worst. I took my hand and pulled them apart, back handing Andrew. I was about to leave when I grabbed my cup and dumped my drink all over the both of them and left the restaurant in tears.
I had called my mom and asked her to pick me up, thank god the restaurant wasn't far from my house, as my mom pulled up Andrew came running outside yelling at me to wait.
"Lisa wait!! please Lisa?! it was a mistake. I'm sorry!!"
"What do you have to say Andrew? That you enjoyed embarrassing YOUR date? And that she tasted like cherries? Oh f*** off"
I jumped in my car, gave him the finger and we drove off. My mom didn't say a word to me the whole ride which honestly made me feel better and cool down a lot faster. If I were to talk about it to her I would probably get angry and start to cry all over again which I did not want to happen, not now not ever.

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